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Pa: @/Derviid
Pa: @/TeraKat_DMG
Sub: gift for @/NiloBunny from @/Dargonaxable
Sub: Fa: Foxtoyfire

Thank you again for one month! i had planned to do more doodles but vicious flu got me and im stuck in bed >:(
Next month i dont think there be a theme. June and July will likely be summer ones.

New Zelda releases next month but i try to get everything done that i have planned, i dont play much, but when i do i get stuck to it for like a week :p Doing one normal drawing... either Krystal or Vaporeon... if time then one doodle before the game comes. Then the sketch sheet that you suggest and vote on aaand le oc doodles :p
Aki comic is currently on hold cause i havnt been so thrilled about making it, tons of planning and sketching that havnt gone quite how i imagined.

I Again thank for your support, its the only reason i can do what i do and its now more important than ever with artist getting hit from left and right.




Very nice ❤️


Those are adorable!


Lovely work!


Thank you so much Teranen!!!!!!! OMG looks so beautiful!!!! I can’t thank enough!!!


Where uh... Where did that egg come from?


oh my I love these! how do I get one?


the one subscribed on the high tier can suggest ocs montly when i make the post that they can suggest some :P of which i then choose couple to doodle