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I think i need to pass this through here before i do any changes for the tier rewards.

I have had many characters in the mind that i would really wanna draw for the sketch sheets, but havnt had a chance cause they didnt either win the poll  or i havnt personally suggest them cause i know they wouldnt have any chance against the characters you suggest :P

Currently i have the fanart characters suggestions and poll as a tier rewards so i have to draw what you gais vote for :P

But would it be okay to change the tier description to " sometimes can suggest characters and vote" instead of doing that monthly.



Yes, your artwork is amazing regardless.


I wouldn't mind.


Sounds good to me! Draw what you want to draw!


Honestly the poll keeps coming up as really predictable, you do you

Ian Robertson

Draw what you want I am sure we will love it!


In the end, you should draw what makes you happy. I'll support you all the way.


So I think you should have the option to draw which ones you like rather than which ones are popular, like you did with malificent


You should also have a word on the characters that you want to draw! If you have a particular character from the suggestions or one that you currently want, go for it!


It will be refreshing to see something else you have in mind to draw. Pokemon always win so the poll gets predictable anyways 😋


I'd rather see you drawing what you're hype for anyway. 👌