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Paperwork is so exhausting, Gotta have a break every now and then!

Inspector fox working hard as ever


Gosh this took way too long to make, i kinda get slow when i start to doubt myself and if everything looks right, which happens pretty often :p But its not bad thing, im just trying to improve.



Mist Sclar

The way you draw, just so good👌

Tom Brousseaux

My favorites are the ones in which she's completely nude except for the boots 🤤

Collar Spider

Love the little details, she's checking your Twitter, the tiny little cremated haha, Cooper was here 😳

TM wolf

These are all damn detailed. Great work <3


Running them Sally Acorn vibes with just the jacket and boots on. 🤤😍


I love Carmelita!🥰🥰 Does that say “Murray thi Hippopotamus” in the bottom right?

Chester Fenris

good work like always from you^^


One thing I say is really nice that you do is the small details. The text in the papers, desk and everything is nice to see