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The four Forkara leaders flew with Jiran to a wide open space well behind the western front. The sounds of constant Bladewinds and explosions were diminished to a background thudding that gently shook the filth below them. He activated the last three crystals before throwing them a good distance apart; green arcs of current poured from within, rapidly forming into the now familiar portals.

A grumpy girl with shining emerald eyes emerged from the first portal. She ran her gloved hands through her dark hair. The green and gold armor tightly hugging her body shone resplendently in the blooming morning light. Behind her, Jiran could see hundreds of armored soldiers lined up on a grassy plain.

“You’re early, they haven’t finished gathering yet,” Niya griped as she suspiciously eyed the unfamiliar and clearly dangerous Forkara hovering behind Jiran.

It had only been a few hours since he had seen her, but it felt longer since so much had happened. A ripple of relief at seeing her alive and well washed away a knot of stress he hadn’t known was there, “Yeah, it’s fine though. Turns out the portals stay open until they run out of mana which only drains as they are actively used. Several hundred thousand Forkara have already come through their portal and it isn’t even half empty.”

Niya whistled in appreciation, “Damn, that’s crazy. If we can figure out how to add mana to them after creating the connection, do you think they would stay open indefinitely?”

“I don’t know, but we should fin—”

“Mortemer!” Cameron bellowed as he leaped through the second portal. He barreled right toward Jiran with a deadly serious expression. His aura was internalized, Oneness lending him incredible speed. Cameron spread his arms wide and wrapped Jiran in a creaking bear hug, “I missed you so much! Olive made me fly from one end of the empire to the other. Then, before I even found you, Niya made me deliver those crystals. Women are bullies, Morty. No good, ungrateful, bullies! We’re the only guys in the party, so we gotta stick together!”

“Missed you too, buddy.” Jiran chuckled and returned the hug, “By the way, everyone important already knows my real name, so you can stop using that garbage alias.”

“G-garbage? Mortemer is a great name! I’m going to name my first kid Mortemer in your honor and pass down the legends of your heroi-Agh! Stop, it hurts! Let gooooo.” Cameron squirmed in an effort to break Jiran’s crushing grip but he was helpless due to the vast difference in their attributes and concentration. Niya started to sneak up behind Cameron with a vicious smirk and Jiran immediately released him, not in the mood for their typical goofing off after seeing so many injured Forkara moments ago.

The third portal activated and two highly decorated tier six imperials in heavy armor stepped through. Their auras spread out but were easily rebuffed by Jiran’s. One of them gave him a hard stare while the other was trying to look in every direction at once. Both of them zeroed in on the seemingly relaxed Forkara behind Jiran, their hands moving to rest on the pommels of their swords. When no one made any threatening moves in response, they signaled and a young, dark-haired woman joined them from the portal. They held her aloft in their auras and she took a look around before her gaze locked onto Jiran and didn’t budge.

[Homo Santoris (Tier 4 - Sapient - unevolved - Wary) A highly adaptive genus of humanoids evolved from the All-Father, Santoris. Utilizes a mixture of skills and techniques. Varying mastery of elemental control. Varying mastery of mana control. Varying degree of integration. Subjugation recommended.]

Identify: + 1

That's… a lot of new—

An impossibly potent pressure came from behind Jiran and pierced his aura. It snaked through the air before alighting on his shoulder with a crushing grip. He froze, not daring to even think as he recognized the particular colors of Empress Mesalay’s mana. Her voice sounded loud and clear in his ear as though she were standing next to him but he could tell no one else heard her, “This is my little flower, Vironia. Remember what I said: Treat her well from now on, or I’ll rip off your limbs.”

Rip off my limbs? She sounds completely serious… Fathers above, please let the daughter be less insane than the mother.

“Vironia Fa’Skorahda, what a pleasure to finally meet you for the very first time,” Jiran bit out his words around clenched teeth, “Had I known we would miss each other by only moments in Lordstone, I would have delayed my departure.”

Mesalay tsked in his ear, “So childish.”

Says the one who’s threatening to rip off my limbs!

Vironia’s expression blossomed into a beautiful smile as her guards brought her closer, “Jiran of Feylon, the rumors don’t do you justice,” Her voice was soft and kind but held a hint of skilled proficiency. Combined with Mesalay’s voice in his ear and Vironia’s affinity that was below neutral at Wary, Jiran was completely on edge in her presence.

She extended the back of her hand while dipping into a polite curtsy. Jiran looked down at the proffered limb for only a moment before making up his mind. He reached out and gripped it in a firm handshake before releasing it. Vironia’s head snapped up, her eyes widening in shock for a fraction of a second before her features smoothed into a practiced smile. Mesalay scoffed in his ear and Niya made an undignified chortle in the back of her throat as she held in a laugh. Jiran didn’t miss Cameron’s glowing expression after he refused to kiss the back of Vironia’s hand.

Go ahead, rip them off. I’ll just restore them. You think I’ll become a puppet because you threatened me a little? Good luck with that.

With his limbs still intact, Jiran quickly introduced the Forkara to everyone and then spoke to Veronia, “My apologies for the brief introduction, but time is short,” He turned to Niya who was covering her mouth, completely failing to hide her lingering amusement, “Were you able to find everyone? Did you have any trouble? When I heard you ran into Cameron, I figured you would finish early.”

“Not just Cameron, Princess Vironia was waiting outside the Peoples Cavern and she agreed to take one of the crystals. I don’t know how successful these two were, but I found the reinforcements from Furiette just fine, and thanks to Cameron’s letter, they agreed to at least listen. Now that they’ve seen the portal, I’m sure they’ll be singing a different tune!”

Cameron was quick to chime in, “I caught up with the reinforcements from Cruex a few hours ago, your new invention got us here at least a week before their best estimate. These portals are going to save so many lives.”

“Thanks for helping, Cameron. Looks like I need to thank Olive for sending you.” Jiran turned to Vironia and dipped his head politely, “Vironia, on behalf of my warriors, which your reinforcements are relieving, thank you for your assistance.”

Mesalay whispered in his ear before her aura vanished, “Better. I’ll go for now, but I’ll be watching.”

Vironia shook her head, oblivious to her mother’s antics, “I deserve no praise. In fact, I owe both you and your cousin an apology. Your teleportation formations are beyond my expectations. I did not believe her when she told us of their capabilities. I expected it was an attempt to get rid of me again but it turns out everything she said was true. Niya of Feylon, my rudeness was unacceptable, I hope we may thrive together in the future.”

Niya wore a straight face, though Jiran easily spotted the gloating satisfaction hiding behind her eyes, “Apology accepted. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine now that we understand each other a little better.” She extended her hand and Vironia shook it with a strained smile.

Just then, three of the Matrons came into range and Vironia’s guards tried to cut them off with their auras. Jiran’s manabody slammed into them, cutting off their auras and pressing them into the ground until they fell to their knees. Vironia dropped as well, her slippers sinking into the filth.

“These are my allies and friends. I’ll consider any action taken against them to be taken against me as well.” Jiran growled, the rage and need to kill burrowed just beneath the surface seeped into his aura, distorting the light around them and causing the framework to tremble.

Despite being unable to directly sense the framework, Vironia was keenly aware of the space around them shuddering in agony. She turned on her guards in a heartbeat, “Fools! Who told you to interfere? We are not in command here and with Jiran so near, what harm could possibly befall me? Apologize this instant!”

“We overstepped, please accept our apology!” They shouted in unison while bowing their heads. Vironia shot them a thunderous scowl when it became clear Jiran had no intention of verbally accepting their words. Taking control of his emotions with an iron will, Jiran released them from the press of his aura.

Everyone important is watching us right now. I should thank these two at some point for giving me an excuse to let everyone know that I’ll personally take action if they interfere with the Timberlings. I’ve shared enough knowledge and hinted that I’m hiding much more, that should keep them safe. There’s only one other thing I can do…

The matrons arrived, completely unaware of what had just transpired. They nodded their heads to Jiran before singing him a greeting, completely ignoring everyone else present.

Jiran returned their pleasantries with a heartfelt smile, “Thank you for coming.”

“We heard your call, so we would not dare stall,” The Matron of Growth met his eyes and Jiran was momentarily embarrassed that he didn’t know her name. Considering how long their names were, it was probably easier to call her by her title. He also didn’t want to ask for fear he would accidentally make up a nickname on the spot that she would end up favoring over her real name.

“In a minute, I’ll take you back to the hunters. Can you bring everyone who's ready to fight to the front?”

“We are hunters no longer, as we have grown stronger. Please, call us the Unbroken, for our Mother’s light has awoken,” She touched her chest above where her skill was duly throbbing with mana.

Gah, my freaking emotions are all over the place right now! I’m so proud of them. Why are these women so cool?!

“That's… a really good name.” They beamed from his praise as he continued, “Very well, gather the Unbroken, it’s time for everyone to see you for who you truly are.”

“We understand, and heed your command!” The Matron of Discipline sang while saluting.

Not wanting to drag things out any longer when there was so much to be done, Jiran cleared his throat and used Mana Confluence to create a replica of the battlefield. He then pointed out a line of dots moving from the east to the west. “Olive is the current commander of all the Imperial soldiers below the seventh tier. She’s currently consolidating her forces to control the western front while the Forkara will hold the east. Cameron, can you take over here and get everyone organized for her arrival?” Cameron saluted with an excited grin, his eyes glued to the airborn image displaying the mass of beasts surrounded on all sides by their combined forces.

“Niya, I’m about to lead the Forkara to the eastern front, what do you want to do?”

“I think I’ll stay here. Someone needs to keep an eye on Cameron and I want to check in with the healers.”

“What? I don’t need anyone to…” Cameron’s words faded as Niya glowered at him, “Leave on my account. I’m so glad you’re staying. Now I can fight without worrying about dying.” He chuckled woodenly while refusing to meet her eyes.

“Cameron… you better be careful, and I’m not talking about the Graymin.” Jiran warned.

“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?” Cameron’s complete bafflement had Jiran rolling his eyes.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, and if you don't, someone will beat it into you eventually. I’ve got to go. I’m glad you two will be watching each other's backs. Don’t forget to wear your helmets!” Jiran teased as he flew away with the matrons tucked into his aura.

“We won’t. Thanks, Morty dear!” Cameron called out and Niya cuffed him on the back of his head.

The Imperial soldiers crowding out of the portals and the ones stationed nearest the Unbroken craned their necks, watching the unfamiliar races with varying expressions of fear and uncertainty. Since they didn’t make any attempt to impede him, Jiran ignored them on his way to drop off the matrons. While they flew, he told them his plans and both the matrons and Forkara elders agreed. He wasn’t surprised when Vironia and her guards flew after him. He remembered Mesalay mentioning the girl was going to be keeping an eye on him and he didn’t mind after the three of them had already proven so useful.

Upon arriving, the Unbroken responded to the Matron of Growth’s song immediately. Thirty thousand young men and mature women snapped a salute before resolutely marching toward the front line. Despite being only tier three and marching toward enemies far more numerous and higher tiered, there wasn’t a single face that showed fear.

Jiran and the Forkara elders flew before them toward the rear ranks of the imperial soldiers. A burly man almost completely drained of mana stepped forward. Jiran recognized the markings of a general on his armor and he was sure the man had been one of the people who was near Olive when he first arrived.

“Halt! Our commands were to ignore the presence of these beasts but if you take another step, I’ll have to consider that an act of aggression!”



Thanks for the chapter! Can’t wait to see what kind of example is made 😂


Junior, you DARE?!