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Selaine of Firandel

Selaine’s aura perceived her steward long before he reached her estate.

What could he want from me so late? Whatever it is, it can wait for tomorrow.

The man’s aura knocked on hers, gently but firmly asking for an audience. She denied his request with two simultaneous raps. When the man continued to fly toward her estate, she frowned.

That’s unusual, perhaps he’s finally brought a communique from Foraleer.

“You seem distracted, I can return another time,” Her opponent placed one of his pieces on a complex board with dozens of intersecting, jagged lines.

“My apologies, Master Reinos. This should only take a moment.”

Selaine’s frown morphed into a scowl as her steward arrived at the main entrance to her manor. His fist hammered against the reinforced metal doors, sending a thundering rumble through the entire building. If not for her aura reinforcing the walls, he may have destroyed one of her many priceless relics. Many of which were the last remnants of a conquered species from before their subjugation. Now, these relics existed merely as reminders of their long-lost freedom; for all races were meant to serve the true people.

Has he lost his mind?!

Selaine formed her intent and unleashed her mana, instantly appearing outside next to the man. Now that he was within her sight, she took note of his frazzled hair and heavy breathing. He immediately bowed low, her concern only growing when the man she could only describe as a stickler, cut his obeisance short.

“My lady, I bring most dire news. Please forgive my disrespect.” As usual, he maintained perfect, respectful eye contact, not becoming mesmerized at the weaves of her mana as most did.

“Think nothing of it, you have more than earned my forbearance. Speak quickly, Master Reinos has taken time from his schedule to instruct me.”

Her steward swallowed and looked over his shoulder nervously. Selaine solidified her aura, then nodded.

Still, the man chose to speak in a whisper. If he were any other, she would have killed him at the implication she was not capable enough to block eavesdroppers. “My most sincere apologies to you both. There has been a change in the very foundation of our superiority. If my lady deems to consult her status, she will find the description of her race to have been altered.” He wrung his hands while he waited, beads of sweat appearing on his brow.

Selaine closed one eye, focusing on one of the most important aspects of her entire existence, the name of her race—Remalon. The description flowed into her awareness; a few short sentences she had read thousands of times with pride over the millennium since her evolution.

Remalon: Descendants of the Kemalon with all of their powers and only one of their weaknesses. Masters of mana and subjugation. Fear not the dominating grip of the Remalon, for it means you were chosen.

What… does this mean? Only one of their weaknesses? Only one… I-we… have a weakness? No, this is not possible. The remalon are without equal, we have no weaknesses! We are gods!

Her steward’s complexion had turned bone-white by the time she remembered he was there. The sight of the man’s terror caused realization to trickle into her brain. Her shock had been so complete that her Armament had emerged automatically to defend her. The incalculable energies had flooded her aura, flattening her manor, and turning her entire estate into a crater. All that remained intact of her once majestic home was the area directly around them.

Master Reinos, the undefeated champion of Formalesse, was no more. The man’s death was inconsequential, the game that dominated their society for a dozen years turned to meaningless drivel now that true war was upon them. Selaine’s anger eased even as her eyes bore witness to the destruction around. Her gaze found her steward once more and the man immediately dropped to his knees, his forehead slamming into the last remnants of beautiful stonework beneath them.

“Mercy, my lady!”

Her voice was firm, demanding instantaneous action, “On your feet! We must act quickly. They will strike in unison now that our superiority has been questioned. Gather the divinators. We will discover the source of this new weakness immediately,” Amidst the dozen plans and counter-strategies flooding her thoughts, a sudden idea struck her. Once it burrowed into her mind, there was no way she could ignore it. It was far too convenient to be a coincidence.

The very day he returned to cause me so much trouble, this fresh catastrophe has been unleashed upon us. The infant. Is this why he was willing to defy Thoric for it? He’s truly gone too far this time.

For the first time in a thousand years, true emotion shone from Selaine’s eyes. The tight weave of her mana unraveled, blossoming to reveal the power which had once caused all enemies of the remalon to cower in fear. It was time they were reminded why they had once named her the Last Gasp of Freedom’s Light, the Mistress of Sundering. The continent quaked under the weight of her fury, and her steward froze halfway to his feet, unable to move as her voice penetrated his mind.

“Tell them to find Kaprokka. Bring him to me alive, no matter the cost.”

Jiran of Madra

“What do you mean your technique is gone? Jiran, what did you do?” Niya’s accusatory question came right on the heels of Shara’s shocked statement.

“I, uh, might have accidentally removed her technique,” He could still feel it pressing into his palm, thudding against the blood rushing through his veins. With each beat of his heart, it sang to him, demanding he consume it without delay. Mayalyn was at his side a moment later, one of her hands rested on his shoulder and the other was held out, palm up.

“Give it to me. It’s doing something strange to your emotions.”

Jiran nodded, fully intending to hand it to her and be done with the strange sensations, only to return her stare with blinking eyes for several long seconds as the room turned quiet. “Jiran!” Her shout from centimeters away caused him to jerk out of his trance. He held his clasped first above hers, his entire arm shaking with the effort of releasing his grip.

What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not going to be beaten by some stupid little rock!

He snarled, prying his fingers open with his other hand and allowing the crystal to fall into Mayalyn’s hand. She pocketed it immediately and moved to the other side of the kitchen. With each step, the pressure in Jiran’s chest eased until he was breathing normally once more.

“It’s really gone, I can’t feel it at all.” Shara was still reeling, not quite grasping the situation as her eyes were clasped shut, scouring her status.

Jiran’s hand landed on her shoulder, Mana Confluence rapidly filling her manapool. He released the mana to her, eager to see if she was truly cured. Her manapool claimed the energy, which in turn, settled into a placid pond that showed no signs of falling into her soul tap. Shara’s eyes opened and the moment they found his, she cried out, her body wracked with sobs. Her hands covered her face and Niya moved to wrap her arms around the woman's shoulders, holding her tightly as she gave Jiran a questioning look.

“She’s cured, mostly. I wasn’t able to fix the damage already done, but her mana is stable and no longer draining. Hopefully, over time, her mana will naturally heal her fully.” Shara’s cries redoubled at his words, barely comprehensible utterances of thanks mixed between her gasping breaths.

“You really did it? I-I’m free?” Niya stood woodenly, pulling away from Shara as a single tear tracked down her cheek. She turned around and walked out the door leading to the backyard, only to rush back in a moment later with a beaming smile. “I left! I walked right outside without ever planning to come back!” She howled with laughter, the sound a jarring juxtaposition to Shara’s sobs.

They’re both crazy.

Jiran’s aura firmed around him, blocking them out so he could think.

What are the implications of being able to remove someone’s techniques? I doubt I could do that to anyone above tier five unwillingly. The process of controlling their aura inside their body is incredibly subtle. They would have to either submit completely, or be too weak to resist.

I know techniques and skills consume willpower, could I bring someone like Markhiss back from the brink of insanity if I took some of his techniques? Didn’t Olive imply there are lots of higher-tiers in the empire who only stopped ascending because they ran out of willpower? Could I help them by taking the techniques they don’t use or aren’t proficient with?

And what happened to me? Why did I want to eat it so badly? It was just like the instinct to consume mana but cranked up to a thousand. I’m honestly surprised Mayalyn was able to get me to stop and release the gem. What would have happened if I actually ate it? Would I gain the technique, or something else? I kinda don’t want to find out. I have a terrible feeling that if I took even one step down whatever path eating that technique leads to, there wouldn’t be any turning back.

Foresight didn’t act up, so I doubt it would have been harmful. Maybe I could…

No! I don’t even want to think about it. I need some time to clear my head.

Jiran pulled his aura inside his body and forced himself into a state of Oneness. He directed himself toward setting the table for dinner since Olive and Mayalyn were nearly done preparing their meal. By the time everything was ready, Niya and Shara had both calmed down and they all sat together. Steaming piles of vegetables and meat sent a mouthwatering aroma wafting through the small home and they were impatient to dive in. Before they did, Shara raised her glass, looking at Jiran.

“Thank you for saving me. What was lost is nothing compared to seeing Mother and the Father’s rise again. My life had become dust, living every day without meaning while waiting for an end that could come at any time. I-I’m truly alive again, maybe for the first time. I feel like a child, every door open wide with possibilities.” Her voice cracked and her eyes swept across each of them. As tears streamed down her cheeks, she sent a silent thanks their way before she found her voice enough to recite a formal prayer, “May this meal reveal The Voice in each of us. To empower our bodies, so we may serve the empire and one another. In the emperors’ grace, may we thrive.”

“May we thrive,” Everyone echoed save for Mayalyn who looked between them like they were all a touch crazy.

They dug in, each enjoying Olive’s cooking with sounds of satisfaction. Considering the meal consisted of only tier five ingredients, the fact that it was incredibly delicious was a testament to Olive’s skills. Shara, being only tier three, wasn’t able to eat more than a couple bites before she was forced to stop, lest the high-density food tear apart her stomach.

She spoke while the rest of them continued to eat, “Niya, you’ve truly been lifted from your oath?” When the girl in question nodded, Shara sent her a warm smile, “That is fantastic news. I knew you would do it. I think Grandfather did as well, or he never would have made you take it, or left you to me for that matter. I hope you don’t think I expect anything more from you. As far as I’m concerned, the sooner you’re gone the better.” a twinkle of affection shone in her eyes as Niya blushed lightly and looked at the floor.

She swallowed a huge bite of meat before responding to the assorted looks of confusion from everyone at the table, “Master Filibree forced me into an oath of servitude with Mi-ahem, with Shara. The contract forced several stipulations on me, such as forbidding me from speaking about anything important I learned while growing up under his… tutelage. Now that I’ve completed one of the exit clauses by finding a way to cure Shara, I’m finally free.”

“He did what?!” Jiran’s jaw clenched so hard the veins in his neck stood out.

She shot him an exasperated look while setting down her utensils, “It’s fine, Jiran. I chose to adhere to the contract and even came up with most of the stipulations myself. It was either that or staying locked in his tower for another year. Luckily, I worded things in a way that gave me enough freedom to not only leave Shara long enough to find you, but also to not be bound by the things I learned from you. I’m honestly surprised he never caught that part. Meh, who knows, maybe he did.”

“He had you locked in a tower? For another year. Were you imprisoned the entire time I was… gone?”

“Yup,” Niya nodded, “It wasn’t so bad. I got to see Father twice a season and received a better education than most nobles. Would you stop scowling already! There were things I knew that could have destroyed the empire, Jiran. It was either tuck me away or kill me.”

“He only let you see Uncle Micah twice a season? How am I supposed to let that go just because he gave you a good education?”

“Ugh, no it wasn’t like that! Father found another partner. They live in Cruex and last I heard they had twins. He could have visited more often, it was more his choice than Master Filibree’s. I-I only said that because it’s hard to think he didn’t want to see me more than that.”

“Oh, damn. Sorry. Wait, so I have two more cousins?”

“Yup, I have two sisters. Though I haven’t met them yet. I planned to go see them once my oath dissolved, but I think they’ll have to wait a little longer since we have plans.”

Olive interjected with a polite cough, “Since we are on the subject, Cameron and I will not be able to join you immediately. Father made it clear he had something of great importance to discuss with me, and as I’ve only recently learned, it directly relates to you,” She pinned Jiran with a complicated expression before continuing. “We will be traveling to Cruex immediately.”

“Something you learned with your divination?” Jiran guessed and she nodded in confirmation.

“I’m not sure I have enough time for a detour to the central metropole. I have a plan on where I might find the beasts I need but there's no guarantee on how long it's going to take.”

“Even if you said you wished to join us, I would have declined. Do not misunderstand, I eagerly await the day all of you formally meet my family. My divination merely indicated it would be best if it were only Cameron and I this time.” In a rare moment of naked vulnerability, the princess adopted a pleading expression, “I do hope we will be welcome to rejoin your party after we are done in Cruex?” She framed her words as a question, worrying her lip as she eagerly awaited his response.

Jiran waved off her concern, “Of course! As far as I’m concerned, we’re a party until you decide you’re not anymore. You won’t be able to join me when you’re done though. I’ll have to come find you. We’re leaving the empire, and as far as I know, that’s still something only I can do.”

Cameron groaned and rocked back and forth while shooting a pout at Olive. She rolled her eyes at him and spoke in an exasperated voice, “We’ll have our chance to join them next time, I’m sure. Besides, it’s likely we will find ourselves on the front lines again as soon as we are finished in Cruex.” That cheered him up, his beaming smile revealing a strand of half-chewed meat stuck in his teeth.

Niya gagged and threw a cloth napkin at his face, the sudden movement causing the entire table to shake. Shara cleared her throat loudly, “Please attempt to rise above your teenage antics and deign to not destroy my house. Ugh, one child was bad enough.” The quivering of her tightened lips revealed the barely repressed grin threatening to blossom across her face. Every one of them immediately saw through her grumpy facade and the room filled with the soft sounds of snickering.



Oops indeed.


His curse strikes again? Someone tell me what it is lol.


Thanks for the chapter :)