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Jiran’s aura wrapped around the Graymin and it stopped shuffling forward, held fast by immutable intent. It struggled mightily just to lift its head toward the sky and a mouth full of dark teeth cracked open. Jiran could feel vibrations smashing into his aura, though there was no discernable sound from the creature's scream. Leaves danced above as the unheard call ripped through the air.

Must be a pretty high frequency if I can’t hear it. I’ll have to be on the lookout for their communications with my aura then.

Jiran pulled the beast toward them while sending out feelers of Coating to wrap around it. Through those whiskers of mana, he could taste the energies laced within its call for reinforcements. He increased the sensitivity of his aura within and around the beast, wanting to learn everything he could about humanity's greatest threat.

Wait, am I really seeing that right? That looks just like a—

Niya stepped forward, her manabody flexed in an attempt to push through his. She smashed her fists together, an impulsive, throaty rumble echoing within her chest. Jiran could feel the hate billowing from her, matching his own. There was something about the monster that sparked a primal need to eradicate it and all those like it.

“Stop,” There was no friendliness in his voice—only command. Her feet halted after the first step and she looked over her shoulder at him.

“What? Why? We need to kill it before more arrive or we will be overwhelmed. We can’t fly away, remember?”

“Good, that’s exactly what I want.” Her brow scrunched, but his hand on her shoulder helped to soothe her anxiety. Seeing her remain unconvinced, Jiran’s voice softened as he confidently met her eyes. “It’s going to be fine, I have a plan.” Jiran’s assurance wrapped around her like an old blanket, softening her features as she relented.

With a nod, she stepped back to stand behind him. “Alright. You’ve done one ridiculous thing after another today. Astound me with this master plan of yours.”

“Oh, quick question. I think I remember hearing something about not being able to eat them for density. Is that true?”

“Yeah, they’re poisonous as far as I know. Maybe somebody’s figured out how to cleanse their meat but just thinking about it makes my stomach heave. I mean, look at it. I would rather eat a giant spider.” Niya shuddered and Jiran could only agree with her. Despite clearly being a beast, the Graymin looked far too human and the thought of eating it set off an instinctive revulsion in his gut.

He released the Graymin Pawn from his aura and it instantly dropped to all fours and charged. It remained fully encased within Jiran’s manabody and he watched its every move with intense focus. It was incredibly fast for a tier four, likely because of the mana it was using to boost itself. Its clawed feet and hands were somehow interacting with the density framework around it, causing each step to thrum within his aura.

Jiran still couldn’t perfectly perceive the framework—it appeared as nothing more than thin, transparent threads or cracks—nor could he feel exactly how the Graymin was interacting with it. But there were subtle vibrations in the portions of the framework around its feet and hands. Fascinated by the phenomenon, he let the beast close in while continuing to observe its movements. Halfway to them, its speed suddenly doubled. Now, instead of just its hands and feet, its entire body was digging into the framework to pull itself forward.

Jiran raised his hands, his Shapings formed before the beast arrived. A torrential blast of wind exploded from one palm and ripped toward the Graymin, instantly surrounding it. The nearby trees cracked and toppled, sending leaves and branches flying. The Graymin was not slowed at all. The buffeting air slid across the surface of its body, repelled by whatever it was doing to increase its speed.

Impressive. It’s like a mix between forcing and coating, both pulling it forward and protecting it from anything that might slow its charge. It could probably move over water or sand with equal ease since it’s attached to the framework instead of the physical world around it.

Jiran’s second hand formed a solid sheet of ice that spread before him like a tower shield. The beast had no time to correct its path and rammed into the ice. Its mouth opened to grunt in pain; like with its scream, no sound came out. The spikes sprouting from its shoulder nearly pierced the four-centimeter-thick wall of ice, causing Jiran’s brows to lift in surprise. This wall was no weaker than what he used to restrain Markhiss—just thinner.

He whistled in appreciation at the power of the Graymin’s charge, briefly wondering how the army usually stopped them, as most soldiers were only tier three and four. The beast tried to jump back, but Jiran’s ice moved with his will. He fed True Origin of Ice another percent of his mana and his shield exploded into a wave that completely encased it in blistering cold.

“What was the point of that? You’re wasting so much mana!” Niya grumped beside him while rubbing her arms to fend off the bitter chill leaking into the air.

Jiran just smiled, not taking his eyes off the pawn. His raised palm sprouted a thick spike of Coating that blasted through the ice wall and into its chest. It opened its mouth to scream as the spike wormed through thick outer carapace and bone. Jiran’s mana was not kind as it burrowed into the creature, ripping apart flesh in its quest for the prize. Within seconds, he found what he was looking for and his smile turned predatory.

Jiran had seen the insides of many creatures with his mana and each was unique. Most beasts, including Mayalyn’s people, had a hardened core that pumped mana through their bodies. The strange people in the Valley of Melodies were built with rings like a tree—their mana equally spread within each layer. Humans had a pool of mana that rested near the heart. This Graymin was just like a human with a pool of mana buried in its chest.

Jiran’s spike of coating sank into the cool waters and lapped them up without a hint of reservation.

Mana Transference!”

Claiming the monster's mana did not go as expected. He assumed it would have some sort of natural defense, or that it would be like a regular beast—full of toxins that would need to be filtered in his body, making him sick until they were cleared. That was not the case at all. The beast was completely helpless before his eighty-five points in Molding. Pure, clean mana flowed as Jiran willed it, and he willed it into himself.

His Concentration attribute was far higher than the Graymin’s, as the mana flowed through his coating and into his own pool, it was compacted to meet his standard. When the beast was dry, the tip of his coating exploded into two dozen shards that ripped the beast apart from the inside—killing it instantly. Jiran withdrew his coating back into himself, preserving the small amount of mana he spent to form it.

EXP: + 1

Mana Transference: + 2

Five percent of my mana back after spending two percent to trap and kill it. Three percent gain, not bad.

Niya grunted beside him so he glanced in her direction. She was looking between him and what was left of the Graymin with a complicated expression. They had only been reunited for a few hours after spending seven seasons apart, so Jiran wasn’t surprised he couldn’t read her expressions just yet. He shrugged, assuming she would say what was on her mind if she felt like it.

The crashing of dozens of feet echoed through the air as more and more Graymin approached. Only half of them were tier four, the rest tier three. They ran forward, red eyes blazing with the promise of death. A dry chuckle billowed up from Jiran’s stomach. He took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of thick gore that stained the ground. An uplifting sense of fulfillment settled within him; this is what he was meant for. He was finally going to protect his home. His people. Every Graymin he killed would be one less burden on the empire that raised him, that gave him everything.

Sure, there were a few imperials like the woman in the temple that sought his and Niya’s death, but those were outliers. Memories of Samris’s manor, Lenton’s incredible aura, his uncle Micah’s shop, and seasons of his childhood spent protected behind strong imperial walls swelled within him. They formed a river of gratitude that roared through his chest before morphing into a powerful commitment that set his heart racing. He would repay them all.

Jiran blasted forward, pulled by a manabody much stronger than even a tier six should have. He slammed into the ground amidst the Graymin. They flew through the air, some blasted away by the force of his landing, others dragged to him in massive tentacles of aura that were inescapable for these unfortunate prey.

Mist erupted from his skin, rapidly permeating the air with moisture before a rippling wave of frost turned everything within fifteen meters into solid ice. He walked between them, spikes of Coating spearing the helpless vermin five at a time, draining them in seconds before their bodies exploded into gore that painted the insides of their glacial prisons.

EXP: + 37

Mana Transference: + 3

Coating: + 2

Niya was shaking; either from the cold saturating the woods or fear of how easily he had decimated the Graymin. She watched him with wide eyes as he landed next to her. He held out his hand, palm up. She frowned with a tilt of her head, not understanding what he wanted.

“Do you want some mana or not?”

“Want some mana? What are you talking about?”

Jiran sighed dramatically before winking. “You are so damn ignorant.”

She scowled at him before grasping his hand a moment later. He sent a delicate thread of Coating through her channels and into her manapool.

Mana Transference.”

He slowly pushed half of his mana into her, making sure to release his control of each drop just as it fell into her pool. He stopped when her mana reached sixty percent. At first, she squirmed uncomfortably, gasping with her mouth hanging as wide-open as her eyes.

Before long, she relaxed into the transfer with a peaceful expression. When he was done and released her hand, she pursed her lips while breathing deeply. Through the party interface, he watched her mana tick lower as her health climbed up to full for the first time since their reunion. She sagged with a deep sigh as her aches and pains finally abated.

She squirmed, unable to meet his eyes, “You should be careful who you do that to. It’s… an uncomfortably pleasant experience.”

“Really? I haven’t had any complaints so far. I’ll keep that in mind. Anyway, you've got some mana now. What’s the plan, oh wise and all-knowledgeable one?”

“Obviously, we scout and try to get an understanding of the situation. There were only about a hundred in this group which is considered a pretty small scout force.”

“Really? A hundred tier three and four beasts is considered a small scout?”

“From what I know, they usually come in groups of a thousand. There’s a reason we’ve been losing ground so quickly since they broke through the northern passes,” Niya shrugged as if it didn’t matter much to her.

“Does that not bother you?” Jiran wondered with a furrowed brow.

“There’s nothing I could do about it before. I had my reasons for avoiding the front lines and I’m here now. I’ll kill my fair share before we’re done here, I’m sure. Why beat myself up for doing what I thought was best yesterday when I plan to pull my weight today?”

Jiran found himself agreeing. Had he come north to fight before facing all the challenges he had, then he likely wouldn’t be strong enough to make a difference. Now that he could slaughter these pawns endlessly, he fully planned to show the Graymin the power of the empire.

The city still stood, its walls holding strong against the horde. If Mayalyn was in there, he had to believe she was safe, and now that he had such an abundant source of mana, he would know for sure soon enough. “Let’s go find another group, I’m long overdue for a conversation with my Daughter.”


Mayalyn Aloyhee

- Two days previous, south of Mortan: Eastern fortress city, Finlest Empire -

Mayalyn, Olive, and Cameron jogged alongside the impossibly long line of imperials. At first, she had tried to keep count but when her brain started to hurt, she gave up. She had pieced together that they were fleeing the Graymin, why so many would ever need to run from mere beasts, she could not fathom. Surely, with so many people, there must also be many strong warriors. She had seen quite a few soldiers that she could not beat without tapping into Jiran's lightning, so why?

Jiran had not told her much of the Graymin. Mayalyn knew his empire had been fighting them for seven hundred years, which was… a long time. Seven seasons in a year, each over four hundred days. To be fighting the same beasts, day in and day out for so long, and if they were strong enough to cause so many to flee, then how did the empire survive? She had no idea.

Her stupor was shattered by the sounds of fighting. They were distant and faint. She reached up to pull off the itchy hood so she could hear them better but stopped at the last second, remembering Olive's strict warning to keep it on. She glanced at the girl who was lost in her thoughts, biting her lip nervously with a furrowed brow.

They are not reacting. They must not be able to hear it yet. I think fighting is morkark, and ahead is ronpeur. What is hearing? Oh well, those two should be enough.

“Su morkark ronpeur,” Her voice startled them both, their heads snapping in her direction. After glancing at each other and nodding, the three of them took off at a sprint.

When they rounded the next bend in the road, part of the mystery on how the empire had survived for so long was revealed. The walls in the distance were larger than anything she had ever imagined the hands of people making. They were no less majestic than the ocean or a mountain. Made of huge stone blocks, each as large as a house, stacked hundreds high and thousands wide. And she was only looking at a single wall.

This is… an imperial city?

She pulled her eyes away from the impossibly large construct to look at the end of the long line of civilians. Beyond them, nearly a kilometer distant, was a group of stragglers desperately trying to catch up. They ran as quickly as they could but hundreds of beasts were bearing down on them, and more were coming around both sides of the city wall with every passing second.

Mayalyn instantly realized the stragglers weren't going to make it. They were only defended by a thin line of soldiers three dozen strong and the forces guarding the main line of refugees was already overextended and not moving to help. Shock gripped her brain in a vice and her thoughts stuttered before grinding to a halt. The mere idea of them abandoning their own people under any circumstances was so alien and deplorable, that she couldn't think, couldn't even breathe.

With a roar so loud that Mayalyn felt her bones vibrating, Cameron leaped into the air. She watched him soar high above the stragglers, and the spell of shock holding her captive was shattered. She pumped her legs for everything they were worth, desperate to catch them and help however she could. By the time Cameron landed before the desperately retreating civilians and the approaching beasts, Olive was halfway to them, her sword drawn and wrapped in flames. Long, blonde hair splayed behind her from the speed of her sprint.

Should I use it? He told me to save it for an emergency but I'm not in any danger. These beasts are my tier, I can fight without it.

A little boy tripped and fell, his mother threw herself over her son, wails escaping her throat as death bore down on them. The soldiers left them, unable to protect those who fell behind. The mother and child were outside of Cameron and Olive’s view, completely exposed. Mayalyn turned to race in their direction but there was no way she would make it in time.

A flash of memory slithered through her consciousness. He was in front of her, his broad back and strong shoulders standing firm between beasts of rock that lumbered out of the Great mountain, Adelphoros. Those beasts bore down on her people, and he stood before them, holding nothing back, and neither would she.

She called to his lightning, and it sang through her veins. Electric, numbing tingles spread from her core as the energy exploded within her muscles. Wind slammed into her, annoyingly holding her back from reaching even greater speeds. She was before them in a moment and her fingers ached with delicious emptiness as her claws extended.

The ugly beast's eyes widened a fraction of a second before her claws found its neck. The feeling of flesh rending and blood spurting sent a euphoric burst of instinctive joy zinging through her brain. She launched herself at the next beast and then the one after that. Before the first head fell and struck the ground, a dozen beasts were collapsing bonelessly behind it.

Mayalyn turned to check if the mother and son were okay, her blue hair flew freely in the wind and splatters of blood marred her face. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face; she had finally experienced that feeling again, and it had been glorious.

A scream split the air as the woman she had just saved stared at her with eyes full of pure terror, the woman's finger pointed directly at Mayalyn’s exposed ears.


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