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Jiran stepped out of the portal and into darkness. He heard the tinkling of water and while sniffing the air, detected hints of musty dirt and rust.

Light Manipulation.

His palms burst into light that devoured the gloom. He waved his arms, revealing a vast, ancient cavern. Hand-carved steps zig-zagged through long-abandoned ruins. They led to dilapidated hovels built directly into the rocky walls and natural columns that supported the high ceiling. A small waterfall cascaded from above, feeding a series of small ponds.

An ear-splitting buzz reverberated through the large cavern as a mound of dirt, several dozen yards away, exploded into the air.

[Chitinous Burrower] (tier 2) An ambush Predator that can vibrate at high frequencies to burrow through solid rock.

The beast was an insect that came up to Jiran’s knee. The horrible buzzing sound was coming from the fleshy wings on its back which beat so quickly it appeared to have three sets. More of the insects poured from the hole in a mad dash toward the meal that had foolishly wandered into their nest. The reverberations in the cavern grew with each addition to the horde, causing dust and small rocks to fall from the ceiling.

That’s enough of that.

Jiran squared off with the wave of rapidly tapping claws. When his light reflected off their chitinous plating, they panicked and began to move haphazardly while screeching.

He let one of his lights fall away and replaced it with a concentrated jet of liquid. True Origin of Water blasted the beasts away from him toward the hole they were still piling out of. Once the entire area was soaked, he switched to a Shaping of ice.

He commanded his mana with an iron fist, directing it forward and into the wet ground. A wave of frost descended upon the critters, instantly killing any that were touched by its frigid embrace. The glacial cold propagated across the existing water, sealing the hole and freezing the dozen bugs already on the surface into solid blocks.

Eerie quiet once more descended on the cavern. Jiran held his breath, waiting for another attack from any direction.

Hopefully, all that noise doesn’t draw a tier five. I refuse to start that timer again. If I see one, I'll just have to do my best to disable it and run.

True Origin of Water: + 1

Light Manipulation: + 1

After a minute of silence, Jiran’s tension bled away with a sigh and he resumed peering at his surroundings. The only thing that didn't look nearly destroyed by the passage of time was the portal platform.

Should I reactivate it and see if there are any new locations? No, it’s not worth using five percent of my mana right now. I know where it is and it’s certainly not going anywhere. I’ll come back and play with it later.

Jiran eyed one of the nearby buggy popsicles for a split second before turning with a shudder.

Nope, gross, not happening.

The nearest set of stairs led to a narrow hovel. The space inside was completely empty other than the stone slab that looked like a bed. The walls were covered in scratches that could have been language but were too faded to read.

He checked a few more empty homes before finding one with a thick stone slab covering the entrance. It took every ounce of his enhanced strength but he was able to pick up the slab and move it to the side. Thankfully, his manabody spread his weight evenly across the ground or the immense weight may have cracked the ancient stone floor.

The inside was in much better shape than the other hovels. There were hundreds of hieroglyphics spread across the walls. One wall was dedicated entirely to a picture of women and children retreating into a tunnel as they were chased by a wave of beasts. Several men were laying under the beasts, their bodies torn to pieces.

People from the Meraadom Empire, huh. Why stay underground and build all this? Beast waves don’t last very long even if you don’t cleanse them. I wonder if they abandoned this place after the wave receded. Maybe they didn’t have an empire to go back to, after all, they aren’t around any longer.

I bet Lenton knows some archeologists who would go nuts over this place. There’s certainly a charm in trying to decipher the clues left over from the past. Although, bringing anyone here where they would undoubtedly find the portal probably isn’t the best idea.

Reminded of his friends and family and his desire to see them again, Jiran looked at the faded symbols one more time before temporarily giving up on the mystery. He backed out of the room and replaced the stone slab to preserve the ancient drawing.

I should get to the surface but going straight up seems like a great way to collapse this place.

Jiran groaned in the direction of the dead bugs before his shoulders drooped. He retraced his steps and grabbed two of the corpses, dragging them along as he walked toward the nearest wall.

Seriously hope it doesn't come to it but you gotta do what you gotta do.

He placed one palm on the wall and pushed a spike of Coating upward at a steep angle. It easily penetrated deep into the rock. A huge grin split his face as he realized his old maximum range of twenty centimeters was now extended to nearly two meters.

With closed eyes, he imagined the particles of the hard-packed dirt, stone, and metal all around the tip of his spear of mana. He focused on those particles losing their cohesion and falling away from each other before sending mana into his technique.

Metal Manipulation.”

He lost control of his mana as it radiated out from his coating to fuse with the myriad particles of solid ground. Within seconds, his elemental energy disrupted everything it touched. The once solid barrier fell away into countless grains of sand that washed across the floor. He waded uphill into the knee-deep sand for three meters and pressed his hand to the wall again.

I can maybe do that two hundred more times before I run out of mana.

Jiran looked over his shoulder at the tier two corpses, shuddering once more before getting to work.

. . .

Several hours of monotonous digging later, Jiran broke through the surface with a shout of joy. He collapsed onto the soft, grassy ground, uncaring of the layers of dirt and grime covering his body. After several deep breaths of fresh air, he hopped to his feet and scanned his new environment.

Metal Manipulation + 3

He was surrounded by low hills interspersed with prickly shrubs and brambles. In the distance, massive mountains rose high into the sky. A quick glance in the other direction revealed First Mother and Second Father descending on the heels of First Father’s half-hidden brilliance.

Hastily collapsing his tunnel, Jiran took a moment to memorize the lay of the nearby mountains so he could find it again someday. He then jumped and sparingly used a touch of mana to fly high enough to see over the nearby hills. A river snaked down from the mountains and through the terrain to the north. To the south, hills stretched as far as he could see.

Mountains east. No ocean in sight. Is that movement?

Spotting what he hoped was walking meat, he boosted himself a little higher toward a distant highland rise. He landed awkwardly after covering less than half the distance and ran the rest of the way, conserving the little mana he had left.

[Mesa Bowforio] (Tier 3) ???

Too high a tier for the description? Odd that I’ve used the skill several times without a lev—

Identify + 1

Nice. Speak of the devil and he shall appear bearing gifts of levels. First thing I’ve identified that’s been my tier, guess it makes sense this would help it increase faster.

Jiran’s stomach growled as he looked at the delicious reminder that he was low on sustenance as well as density. Licking his lips, he dove toward the pack of fifteen beasts without an ounce of hesitation. They saw him coming and turned their horns in his direction. Their large paws stamped the ground in unison while they growled a warning. Their large shoulder and back muscles rippled with the movements, making Jiran salivate.

You think a little dancing is going to keep me away from dinner? Not today!


True Origin of Fire.

A ball trapping incredibly hot flames zipped through the air with a buzzing whine. It smashed into the nearest beast which released a bellow of agony as its fur was ignited. The beast's flesh popped and sputtered as it roasted away. It thrashed and kicked in pain and anger as hot fire and smoke filled its lungs.

Jiran appeared at its side, a flash of blue flames sputtering out behind him. A Coating in the shape of a blade covering his hand cut the creature's head off in one fell swing, ending its suffering. The rest of the bowforios turned and ran after seeing how outmatched they were. Jiran barely noticed them go, his eyes glued to the sizzling meat. He breathed deep, savoring the delicious smells wafting through the air. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he imagined taking the first bite.

An hour later, he was sated, the beast’s body reduced to a pile of bones beside a hastily dug fire pit.

EXP: + 1

True Origin of Fire: + 1

Only ninety-nine more to go.

Agility: + .1

Wisdom: + .2

Intelligence: + .2

That’s nostalgic. It's been a long time since I gained attributes from something besides red density. Mana’s finally not a concern anymore. Jiran’s excitement spiked as he prepared the technique he had been dying to try since waking up from his ascension.

What if she hasn't had any mana since we talked. Seven seasons is a long time to be hungry. Poor girl.


Jiran’s mana began to drain at a rapid rate, vanishing directly out of his manapool and into nothing.

At least it’s not instantly gone like the last time I tried this technique. Which makes sense as my mana is more concentrated now.

"Hello, Father," Daughter appeared in his mind’s eye—somehow visible despite not being physically present. She released a yawn followed by a languid stretch that elicited a light moan.

She seems more lifelike this time. Is that from me ascending or something that happened over time? Still calling me father, too. Well, two can play that game.

"Hello, Daughter," Jiran replied with a chuckle.

The impression of a serious face awaiting a question was sent across the cosmos and into his mind. Jiran obliged. "Has it really been seven seasons since we last spoke?"

"I don't know, I fell asleep when I ran out of mana and am just waking up."

"I see. Thanks for showing me Madra. It was beautiful."

"You're welcome," She replied matter-of-factly.

The silence between them stretched as Jiran’s mana reached forty percent. Thinking fast, he asked the next question that popped into his head.

"Do you know anything about controlling the manabody?"

"A difficult question to answer. How does one command their toe to wiggle, their fingers to scratch an itch before they realize it's an itch? What would you tell me if I asked you how to blink? You received your manabody early through an acclamation. Those situations always grant an advanced version of the skill which could be interfering with your ability to control it. Imagine having a technique at level twenty while only having the understanding to warrant level two. You must catch up to the power you have been granted through understanding and effort.”

"Goodbye, Father. And good luck. Thank you for the mana." She vanished as Jiran’s mana bottomed out. He threw his hands into the air in frustration as he converted the density in his stomach to refill his mana, leaving him empty once more.

That doesn't make any sense! It's not even a part of my body. How is it at all like a toe or an arm?

Only Second Father remained above the horizon when Jiran rose to his feet.

I'm losing daylight. Need to keep moving.

He took one last look back at the eastern mountains with a sense of wonder and excitement that was challenging to control.

If I’m really in the empire, those mountains might be the Crags of Caldara. Should I go take a peek? I’ve always wanted to see them and they’re right there! Endless mountains that flow like a raging river.

He shook his head, banishing the thought.

No, I need to stay focused. First priority is checking in with everyone. Once I know they’re all okay, I can go exploring as much as I want. They’re probably a thousand times more worried about me than I am about them. If they even believe I'm still alive.

Anyways, if those really are the Crags, then south would eventually lead to the Undead Wastes and north, the front lines. Which would make Feylon somewhere far to the southwest. Stupid system spit me out on the complete opposite side of the empire I started on!

I shouldn’t complain. It could be a lot worse now that I know how big Madra is. The nearest portal could have been on the other side of the Murinth Ocean, or even beyond the Graymin.

Deciding to press on while there was still light, Jiran leaped into the air. With a single blast of blue flames, he propelled himself forward at incredible speeds that made his eyes water. Each jump and boost easily cleared an entire kilometer. He soared over hills and creeks, spooking animals with every explosion that brought him ever closer to home. Just when he was about to stop for the night, he spotted a town in the distance to his north.

A real bed! Hmm. I don’t have any money. I'll need something to sell.

He slowed his pace, no longer using shapings to add height to his jumps. Eventually, he spotted a beast foraging for berries on the side of a hill. A few quick hops and he was one tier two corpse richer. With a bounty slung over his shoulder, Jiran confidently approached the high wall that protected the town from roving monsters.

Jiran nodded his head politely as he approached the two guards on either side of the entrance gate. One of them lifted his chin and motioned Jiran over. A little thrill raced up his spine as he realized he was faster than the man and he instantly attempted to match his speed so as to not come across as rude.

[Human - Sentient] (Tier 3) A numerous species with diverse abilities.

We’re the same tier, but with my bonuses, I’m coming out ahead of this guard even though he’s likely already maxed his attributes.

The moment Jiran was close enough that his aura slid over the man, he stiffened and his eyes blasted wide open. He slammed a fist to his chest in a show of respect while staring straight ahead, no longer meeting Jiran’s gaze.

“Sir! Welcome to Solorin. How may we be of assistance, Sir!” His voice was professional if a bit curt and strained.

What the heck? Wait, does he think I’m tier five because I have an aura?

“Good evening. I was hoping to sell this and stay for the night. Maybe get a change of clothes,” Jiran poked a finger through one of the holes in his shirt while smiling cheerily. Both guards instantly relaxed when they heard his light tone.

“Dorbo‘ll take that off your hands, Sir.” He turned to the other guard, “Clean kill, full price, Dorbo. There be decent clothes fer cheap down the main street here. Most comfortable beds in town be over at Skinny’s,” A chorus of laughter came from three guards tucked behind the wall watching their conversation.

Jiran smiled politely when Dorbo reached for the beast and held out a small pouch that clinked with the sound of new clothes and a bed.

“Will there be anything else, Sir?” The first guard motioned toward a group of five hunters waiting their turn in line.

Jiran shook his head before walking through the gate with a wave. “Nope, thank you for the directions.”

As he passed one of the laughing guards, the man reached out and placed his hand on Jiran’s shoulder with a friendly twinkle in his eye.

“If Skinny’s ain’t your cup o’ tea, try Mithrer’s little further down the way. Decent grub and mead even if the beds aren't as… comfortable,” He wore a suggestive smile while his eyebrows flashed twice.

Ohhhhh. Gotcha. Yeah, Mithrer’s it is. One wayward child is more than enough for me.



He still needs to serve 2 years right? I’m assuming the time skip won’t invalidate that. Army arc soon (?)


Typo at the end. I changed the name of the inn from Doreen's to Skinny's and missed a couple of them.

Petr Pavelka

Just a few nitpicks - the chapter name sounds a bit dull, I would name it “Back to civilization” or something similar. I also did not notice him marking the location of the ruin above the ground, which does not make sense if he is planning to go back eventually.


Great suggestions as usual. Added a blurb about remembering the location. Chapter names a bit tougher, I'll play around with some ideas. Maybe 'Back to Finlest' or I'll just use my usual chapter names instead of making it a 1-5


How terrible - I've reached the current end. Now I'll have to wait - how horrible - and exercise my nonexistent patience to discover what kind of adventures Jiran might find in civilization. And it's only half past eight in the evening - I don't want to stop reading yet.


Right there with you. I can't seem to go five minutes without my mind wandering back to what he's going to do next. The adventure unfolds for me as I write it. I might know where we are going but have no clue how Jiran's going to bring us there!