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“Your body is weak. Without density to reinforce your attributes, your growth will be stunted. However, there are numerous benefits to be gained in training without attribute growth. For instance, balance is an essential component of every attack. Determination in the face of danger is required to strike true.

“Most warriors train for years without an opportunity to tier. There are innumerable advantages that can only be gained by slow and steady training that often comes without an increase in your physique.

“Yet that is not what is best for you at this moment. I want you to understand why we are skipping steps, so you do not become disillusioned. Proper, slow and steady training is in your near future, Jiran,” Jiran was ecstatic, he grinned at the promises of pain and growth to come.

Bring it on!

"As I said, your body is weak, too frail for the intensity that is to come. Take this, then we shall begin,” Samris handed him another of the density pills which Jiran instantly gulped down.

The man nodded at his eagerness and then led him outside the manor into the backyard. Without speaking, Samris began their first training with a stretching routine that brought surface memories of something called yoga and Tai Chi to mind.

Jiran quickly schooled his thoughts before he accidentally dug deeper into Brandon’s memories.

The density from the pill was slowly released into his body. His muscles greedily absorbed the energy as they strained under the unfamiliar stretches. Yet he felt his body growing weaker with every passing second. Jiran blinked slowly to read the messages that were quickly scrolling upwards on the inside of his eyelids.

Strength + .1

Agility + .1

Endurance + .1

Durability + .1

Just because I’m growing stronger, doesn’t mean my body is in pristine condition at all times. I need to increase my attributes and then rest to reap the full effects.

The stretches only lasted for thirty minutes but Jiran was shaking and barely able to stand as the two made their way to a gazebo where breakfast had already been set out for them.

Jiran wanted to scarf down his tier four breakfast but remembered Sharaal's advice and took his time.

After eating, they went straight back to the yard for a much harder session. Samris easily flowed from one well-practiced movement to another.

He went from push-ups directly into a handstand. From there, he pumped out dozens of upside-down push-ups before flipping back to his feet. He took off in a sprint, easily reaching the forest in the distance in seconds before dashing back to the yard. Squats, high jumps, and rock lifting were all performed with equal ease.


Jiran was unable to keep up.

He did his best, completing one or two repetitions of each movement while Samris did twenty. He collapsed to the ground multiple times, only to get back up and try again.

Ten minutes in, he puked for the first time. Refusing to stop, he pressed on. The constant sight of Samris's lean, muscular build, fluidly moving from one form to the next was all the motivation he needed to keep pushing and emulate the man.

Second Father was cresting Feylon’s wall when Samris led Jiran to the nearby creek that supplied the manor. The gently roiling surface reflected the myriad lights from the sky as the two jumped into the frigid water.

Strength + .1

Agility + .2

Endurance + .3

Durability + .2

After bathing, Jiran followed Samris into the manor. The man nodded toward the library which was all the prompting he needed to dash toward the treasure trove of information that awaited him. Wards came alive as soon as the doors closed behind them and Samris spoke for the first time since they had left his study.

"I have laid out your curriculum for the coming weeks, I expect you to bring your education up to the standard of a squire your age with the same diligence you have shown me so far.

“Typically, a squire in training would begin their studies by their fifth season. Seeing as you are well into your seventh season, you have a significant amount of information to absorb.

"I will not be guiding your lessons or pushing you. This time will be yours to test yourself.

“A man is his thoughts, for thought always precedes action. Sharpen your mind young Jiran, for it will in turn enhance every aspect of your life,” He set another density pill on the table before turning away.

Then he was gone and Jiran was alone. He would have wiped the drool from his mouth if he could lift his arms.

Instead, he dug into the books laid out before him; History of the Finlest Empire, Primer on Basic Numerology, and The Making of Madra.

Nothing here on skills. I don’t think I can contain my excitement for another minute. I have to know why I gained so many skill levels in Molding.

Jiran spent several frantic minutes familiarizing himself with the arrangement of the shelves. He quickly found a small section for skills and with shaky hands, pulled out several books on molding. Within minutes of sitting down and flipping through pages, he found his answer.

“Acquisition of skill levels is entirely determined by the knowledge of the user over the governance of the subject skill.”

Huh. So, the more you understand how a skill works the more skill levels you get. But I don’t even know what Molding does, how the flipping flapjacks did I get forty levels?

Jiran scanned the beginning of a book entirely dedicated to molding while looking for a description of the skill. He groaned in annoyance and facepalmed when he found a short note about focusing on the skill in his status window to see the description.

Of course, I had the answer all along. Why didn’t anyone ever tell me that?

Jiran closed his eyes and focused on the skill.

Molding - freely move mana to any part of the body.

That’s it? How does that explai—

My tiering! I figured out how to claim my density and convert it to mana using the chemical composition of emotions as a bridge. Then I moved that mana around my body and forced it to heal me. All without a single ounce of help from Molding, because I didn’t even know about the skill at the time.

Maybe because I never activated the skill before, my experience toward leveling it was ignored. The first time I used it was with Samris, and right after that I gained all the past knowledge as levels.

Wisdom + .4

Intelligence + .2


So the style of mana control I discovered is an advanced form of Molding. How advanced is it though? What’s considered a high level for a skill.

Jiran flipped through the book on molding once more, hoping for the author to state his level. He eventually found it on the very first page where the author stated his credentials.

The guy who wrote this book only had level 16 Molding.

Is this some kind of sick joke?!

Jiran’s mechanical laughter rang through the quiet library like a mad scientist who just discovered the secret to immortality.

I need a break before I have a mental breakdown. I’m going to go read the books Samris suggested until I calm down a bit.

Jiran opened the History of the Finlest Empire and lost himself in stories of the past.

Not exactly as exciting as a tome on ancient rune constructs, or how to make exploding arrowheads like Sakndor. But this is still pretty cool.

Before he knew it, one of the maids was knocking gently on the door, calling him to lunch. Sharaal’s cooking was beginning to feel like a drug as he barely managed to restrain himself from devouring the delicious meal.

Who would have thought eating slowly would be the hardest part of my day?

Finding his delivery box empty, Jiran gleefully spent his entire afternoon in the library. During dinner, one of the maids handed him a note from Samris. It instructed him to head to sleep after eating and meet him in the field before First Father tomorrow morning.

Exhausted in brain and body, Jiran collapsed on his far too comfortable bed and was instantly asleep.

The next morning, he awoke to birds chirping outside his cracked window. With a smile, he sat up and scanned his status.

NAME                       Jiran of Feylon

RACE                        Human

AGE                           7

WEIGHT                    25.83 kg > 27.37 kg

STATUS                      Mild brain damage

TIER                           1

GROWTH                  0.1% > 6.0%

MANA                        0.00


STRENGTH                10 > 10.2

AGILITY                     10 > 10.3

ENDURANCE             10 > 10.4

DURABILITY              10 > 10.3

WISDOM                   10 > 10.4

INTELLIGENCE          10 > 10.2

SKILLS                        Molding lvl 44

TECHNIQUES             N/A

OTHER                        UNIQUE - Fo$%si%^(

What?! Six percent growth in a single day? Higher tier meals are no joke. If I keep getting food that potent, I’ll be able to increase my attributes as fast as I can train them with no bottlenecks!

Jiran experimentally flexed his arms and attempted some mental algebra but didn’t feel any different from the day before.

Shouldn’t I feel a little stronger at least? I gained a lot of weight but don’t feel any heavier. Maybe my new strength is keeping me from feeling the added weight.

While getting dressed and heading to the backyard he laughed nervously at the thought of someday weighing several tons as his body continually reinforced itself with density.

The morning routine brought confirmation of his growth. He could hold each position longer while simultaneously pushing deeper into each stretch. His muscles still ached and shook but he walked on steadier legs as they headed to breakfast in the gazebo.

After breakfast, Micah arrived with three carts, each full of barrels stuffed with various products pulled from the ocean. He spoke briefly with Samris before pulling Jiran to the side.

"Jiran, it's good to see you. Are you getting along okay here?" Concern creased the skin on Micah’s forehead and around his eyes as he spoke.

"I'm doing great here, Uncle. Truly great. Please don’t worry about me. Lord Samris was able to diagnose my injury and is already helping me recover. The food is amazing too and I get to read as much as I want in the library when I don't have any duties.

“Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself on the road, okay?

"Ohh, and uhm… did you get a chance to talk to Dad and Mom?" Repressed feelings began to bubble up at the thoughts of his parents.

"Yes, I spoke to your father. We both think it would be best for you to keep your distance for now, at least until you're healed. The priests have put some strange ideas into your mother's head about heathens rejected by the voice of Madra.

Alright. I'm glad you're doing well here Jiran. Make sure to stop by and harass Niya while I’m gone. I’ll see you next season."

With a huge hand patting him on the head in farewell, Micah and the caravan guards headed out of town.

I can’t wait until I’m healthy enough to join him. No library can possibly match exploring the empire. Without mana that’s a death sentence though.

One thing at a time.


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