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The man spoke in a whisper they should not have been able to hear from such a distance. The voice reverberated in a unique way that set alarm bells ringing in Jiran’s skull.

As if in a trance, Niya sprinted to the man. She moved so quickly she nearly collided with the man as she skidded to a halt in front of him. Then she stared at the man’s chest, not saying a word or moving a muscle.

What the shart, Niya!? Can this day get any crazier?


I almost died twice, no, three times. I haven’t had five seconds to sit down and consider the fact I have memories from two people in my head. I need to plan out how I’m going to fix my mana. I don’t even know if I’m going to have a safe place to sleep tonight.

Now this guy shows up out of nowhere and puts some crazy spell on Niya with a whisper we could somehow hear from fifty meters away.

Whatever higher power dialed this day up to eleven then ripped off the knob needs to take a lunch break!

Clearly this guy is way beyond my tier. I better get my ass over there before he decides to melt my bones with a blink of his eyes or whatever crazy thing he’s going to do next.

Jiran suppressed the sigh he felt building in his lungs. Resigned to his fate, he quickly followed Niya. Arriving several seconds later, he gave his best bow as if addressing an elder or nobility.

"How may we serve you, M'lord?"

At least Micah taught me how to bow. I never dreamed those lessons might save my life.

The tall man's fine clothes screamed of wealth. Glowing golden orbs peered out from within the silver-embroidered hood that concealed his features in shadows.

The stare Jiran received from the enigmatic visitor lasted far longer than was comfortable. Jiran’s eyes remained glued to the man’s feet as sweat rolled down his back. He didn’t dare to look up. Even so he could feel those golden eyes boring into him.

Crap, I attracted attention to myself by not falling for that spell too, didn’t I? Wonderful. Why didn’t it affect me though? Or was it only aimed at Niya? No, he’s definitely staring at me because it didn't work.

After the uncomfortable pause, the man spoke.

"Tell me boy, do you perchance know the proprietor of this business?" He once more spoke in a whisper that penetrated Jiran’s brain like a spear through a melon.

Why is he whispering everything? Also, If you're going to talk like that, at least wear a tophat so people have a little warning.

"Yes M'lord. My Uncle, Micah, runs this courier service. If it pleases you, I can fetch him."

"I see. That won't be necessary quite yet. However, I do have a mission of utmost importance that you will assist me with, after which you may fetch your uncle," He paused just long enough for Jiran to process his words before continuing.

"You will find each of this village's elders and direct them to the lord's manse post haste." I expect them to arrive there before Mother’s descent, is that clear?"

"M'lord has instructed me to find each of this village's elders and direct them to the lord's manor without delay. Then, I may find my Uncle. Would you like me to direct him to the lord's manor as well?"

“That will be acceptable. Now, child, before you depart.”

He held out an off-gold coin that glinted in the light of the Fathers. Jiran didn’t move a muscle as he waited for a command.


As if I would just snatch your trap card out of your hand like some desperate street urchin. This is clearly a test, since you didn’t give me an actual command.

Seconds ticked by as the man held the coin just within view.

Jiran waited patiently. He breathed slowly, doing his best to remain calm.

Finally, after ten breaths the man continued. “Take this coin as payment for after you complete your errand.”

Faster than Jiran could process, the man grabbed his wrist with an impossibly strong hand. The grip felt as immutable as if his arm was now stuck under a collapsed building.

He placed the coin in Jiran’s palm where it tingled as if charged with an electric current. Once done, the intimidating man turned and left without another word.

Letting out the biggest sigh of the day, Jiran allowed his body to release its tension after the golden eyed man disappeared from view.

Four near-death experiences in less than a day now, great. I should be getting achievements or titles or something from all this stress. Stingy stats screen. Is it even a screen if it’s printed on the inside of my eyelids?

These memories are really messing with my head! What am I thinking about right now? I was given a job to do by a man who could probably level this entire village in a few seconds.

He elbowed Niya in the side, which shocked her out of whatever trance she had been in. The look of confusion on her face told Jiran she wasn’t going to be of much use, but he needed her help if he was going to resolve this new issue quickly.

“Niya, I need you to go to the church as quickly as you can and find Elder Donnas. Tell him we probably got a new magistrate and that he’s requested all the elders to present themselves to the lords’ manor without delay.”

The girl looked at him blankly for a moment before her eyes widened in realization and a gasp escaped her lips. She nodded, turned toward the church, and took off in a mana fueled sprint.

Jiran wasted no time either. He dashed into the shop, dropped his belongings in a heap and donned his uniform as quickly as he could.

He was only slightly delayed by the coin which was still stuck to his palm. He shook his hand and pulled at it but the dark silver offender held fast. With little choice but to carry on, Jiran took off to the market to find Elder Mireg.

Frustration filled him as he dodged and weaved his way through the slightly crowded streets. Seeing Niya run with the help of her mana reminded him he should be able to do the same, but could not.

By the time he reached the market and saw the Elder Mireg, he was breathing hard and his muscles were aching.

“Elder Mireg, I have an urgent message for you!” Jiran spoke quickly between gulps of air as soon as he arrived behind her.

Taken completely by surprise, the elder turned around in a flash, fumbling with the necklace she had been inspecting.

“Mother’s Watcher, boy! Don't scare me like that. What's this emergency that has you —" Mireg's question died on her lips as she got a good look at Jiran’s scarred features.

With no desire to draw out the conversation or get distracted, Jiran continued.

"Elder Mireg, a very high tier gentleman has requested your presence at the lord's manor without delay. I have been given instructions to inform all the elders, so I will be off."

She did not look completely convinced, so Jiran flashed the coin stuck to his palm. Her eyes flew open at the sight of the incredibly valuable silver stuck to his palm by an unseen force.

After a quick, but well-executed bow, Jiran turned towards the dock and his next target. He was already gone by the time Mireg came to her senses.

"So it's true, what a waste," Mireg said. She clicked her tongue and then set off toward her own destination with a straight back and squared shoulders.

Jiran slowed his pace as he approached the sharp slope that led to the village pier. The path was far too steep and rocky to build on, which left a large gap between the houses above and the water below.

He took the narrow back and forth path that was the most common route down one careful step at a time. He had learned the hard way that running this path was dangerous.

Jiran suddenly stopped in his tracks, stunned by the scenery laid out before him. His new memories gave him a fresh perspective to enjoy the scenery, leaving him shocked to his core.

The ocean stretched endlessly. Framed by two crooked fingers of rocky ledges. They reached out in a protective encirclement around the few buildings and pier. Birds frolicked in the thousands all along the tall rocky outcroppings.

However, what truly took his breath away were the colors. First Father was a giant red hole in the heavens. As he came up in the morning, the world was washed in hues of red which lasted until First Mother’s serene blue ascended. The combination created a fluctuating purple kaleidoscope across the sky.

Second Father was a familiar yellow that combined with First Mothers blue, to throw green light across the world.

However, instead of all three suns working together to create a dull brown, the red of First Father and the yellow of Second Father refused to mix as if the two orbs operated on completely different principles of light wavelengths.

They did however both simultaneously blend with Second Mother’s blue. The result of purple and green clashing and reflecting off the water and clouds was both alien and familiar. For the first time since waking up in agony, Jiran took a moment to truly appreciate his life.


I’m not going to let this rough start stop me. I’m going to figure out my mana, then explore this insane planet.

There is magic here! How does it work? How does it bend and break the laws of reality I know from Earth?

I have the chance to challenge everything I’ve ever known. I can make a life for myself where I have real power at my fingertips, not some imaginary control given to me by others, like money or fame, which can be taken away at any time.

Real magic.

How strong can I become? How much can I learn? What crazy wonders is this place going to throw at me next? No, not ‘this place’ my home.

I don’t know what these memories mean, or how any of these stats and skills work. But what I know for sure, is that this is exactly where I want to be.

This is my home.

A scarred child wearing a crazed smile, slowly descended the alternating path to the pier.

Not a single villager talked to him or looked at him for more than a second. Shivers ran up their spines as they were forced to pass close by him on the narrow path.

Each of their thoughts were united.

“How could a denless smile like that? He must have lost his mind.”

Jiran had never been happier.


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