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Jiran would have laughed at the sound of complete incredulity that escaped Olive’s lips if he wasn’t so shocked himself.

Marry? Olive? What is he talking about?

Glancing up, Jiran saw the massive smile on Dominus’s face as the father looked fondly at his daughter.

Oh, he was joking. He’s just trying to get a rise out of her.

What a massive troll! Please leave me out of your jokes, you scary bastard.

Jiran’s rapidly beating heart began to slow back to a more normal pace after his realization.

“F-f-f-father, why would you say such a thing? Obviously we would have to court first! But i know Jiran has no interest in me, that much, anyone can see,” Olive’s blush was so bright it reminded Jiran of a red rose.

“Ohh, that’s an unusual response, Oliviala. Usually, it’s, ‘I’d rather die,’ or ‘Only if they can defeat me,’ or my personal favorite, ‘I’ll send them your regards,’” Dominus’ laughter rang through the valley as he poorly imitated Olive’s smooth, girly voice.

His great booming guffaws were the epitome of a father’s mirth at the expense of his child. Unfortunately, it also came at the expense of the valley. A fissure formed that spread rapidly over a dozen kilometers, swallowing what little natural vegetation had survived SIlver’s red wave and Jiran’s laser.

Could you do that without causing a natural disaster? How is the empire still standing after all these years?

Eventually, the man’s mirth calmed and he looked at Jiran while wiping a tear from his eye.

“Jiran, I wish you could hear her little heart racing like a robbit running from a jorkal.”

Before the man could begin laughing at his own joke once more, Jiran interceded with thinning patience.

“Your jokes are quite funny, Your Majesty. Do we not have more important matters to discuss?”

The skies changed from the peaceful season of calm’s late afternoon purples and greens, to black, turbid thunderclouds so fast Jiran thought he had been teleported.

The smell of ozone became thick in the air. Jiran’s hair stood up straight all across his body as electric currents gathered from thousands of kilometers away to loom above him.

Dominus glared down at the worm who had dared utter such words to his daughter right in front of his face.

“You think this is a joke?” His voice held the authority of the heavens.

I am so dead.

“What, exactly, is not good enough about my daughter for you to turn down courtship with her so cruelly? Is she not pretty enough for you, Jiran?"

Thunder boomed as soon as he finished speaking, as if nature itself had been holding its breath, waiting for permission to resound through the air. Streaks of lightning impacted the ground all around them, sending dirt and rock soundlessly through the air. The explosions created no sound, as if reality itself had no desire to interrupt the emperor's words.

Shit, he was serious? I have to say something. I refuse to die here, like this, after everything I’ve been through.

Jiran looked into Olive’s terrified eyes, searching frantically for some clue to help him devise a plan. What he saw was a young woman, scared nearly out of her mind.

She’s not afraid for herself, she’s afraid for me.

The realization of her feelings struck a chord within him. Without breaking eye contact with her, Jiran whispered the first words that came to his mind.

“She’s as beautiful as a red rose in the desert. Women who stand beside her are like grains of sand compared to the perfection of a flower.”


We are going to have words later, what the hell was that?

Jiran blushed in embarrassment when he realized he had meant every word.

The thunderous clouds of the apocalypse vanished as quickly as they had arrived. Jiran vaguely registered Dominus’s grunt of approval as his attention was still locked on Olive.

Her mouth was opening and closing like an impossibly photogenic fish as her brain’s higher functions shut down completely.

“Not bad, not bad at all. I might steal that one from you, kid. If any of my wives asks, I said it first.

“I think you broke her,” Dominus said as he gently poked the still unresponsive Olive in her side.

With a wave of his hand in her direction, Olive vanished.

“She can cool off while we have a little man-to-man,” Dominus cracked the knuckles on one of his hands causing Jiran to gulp audibly as the sounds ricocheted through the air.

“My daughter’s happiness is very important to me. She chose to care about you for her own reasons. I don’t think I have to explain to you what will happen if you hurt her,” The man who spoke to him was not an emperor, but a father who cared for his daughter.

Understanding the words for what they were, Jiran responded in the only way he could.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good! Then you have my permission to court Oliviala. These things usually take a season or two to play out. During that time, I will have a butler assigned to you who will coach you on the proper decorum for wooing a princess.”

The meaning behind Dominus’s wink was utterly lost on Jiran.

What is happening right now? Does he expect me to forget he was about to smite me into nothingness not thirty seconds ago?

“We have a few other things to discuss before we return, Jiran,” The emperor had returned, his tone resuming the commanding presence that only a fool would mistake for anything other than the will of a god.

“I don’t know where that beast girl is from, so don’t bother asking. How she arrived from beyond the borders of the empire is a mystery I very much look forward to you solving."

Dang, there goes that.

“She’s welcome in my home. She will be safe so long as I am there, I can assure you of that. However, you must realize that every citizen of my empire will stick a spear in her long before they hear the words from her mouth.

“A talking beast that looks like a woman will not be an easy thing for my people to come to terms with. I’m sure you’re already aware, so I’ll leave it at that.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Jiran expressed his honest appreciation with a bow.

He’s willing to go against the wishes of every citizen of his empire, just for Mayalyn and I. That’s… awesome.

Jiran looked at Dominus with newfound respect, his fists clenched as gratitude threatened to overwhelm him.

“As for your teachings, you will run them through me before you let them loose upon my empire. I won’t ever stop you, but I may ask you to delay some things, for a time, as the people adjust.

“You have no appreciation for the political maneuvering that is taking place at this very moment due to your lesson this morning. Until you understand the implications of what you are unleashing, you will be monitored.

“The death toll for today’s actions has yet to be settled, but already it has reached into the hundreds.”

What? Why? Over a hundred people?

Jiran’s face was slack as he numbly nodded along to Dominus’s warnings.

“That’s everything I needed to say. However, there is one last thing I wish to say.

“As a father to a possible future son, I hope you use the few years the empire has left to truly enjoy yourselves. Make my daughter smile, and I’ll always have your back.”

That’s not ominous at all. What does he mean, ’the few years the empire has left?’

Without further explanation, Dominus vanished, leaving Jiran looking up at a sky now clearly visible without the man’s massive frame blotting it out. Jiran took several moments to collect his thoughts and review the conversation in his head, committing it to memory.

The moment he remembered Mayalyn and the twins were waiting for him, he rushed to join them. The ground underneath them was pristine, while the surrounding area had been devastated by Dominus’s temper. Understanding that he had spared enough control to protect the girls caused Jiran to affirm his faith in the man.

They were asleep when he landed, soft snores and twitching limbs a reminder of the best things in life. With the softest touch he could manage, Jiran scooped them up in his aura and made two detours before they began the short trip back to Cruex.

Mayalyn woke up first, just before they reached the city. Jiran handed her the white dress she had tied to a tree as they flew low above the ground. She dressed quietly, watching him out of the corner of her eyes. Jiran remained looking straight ahead at the rapidly approaching city wall.

Once she was clothed, he handed her the tonfas he had collected for her from the demolished keep. She held them tightly in her arms while a few tears traveled down her cheeks.

It was clear she was not yet ready to talk, so Jiran rested his hand gently on top of her head in silent support.

Just before they arrived, a black streak sped away from the city gate directly toward them. Jiran brought their procession to a halt as he warily watched the man approach.

Everything about the older man screamed immaculate. His gray hair was perfectly trimmed including his short goatee. The black tuxedo he wore was spotless, its sharp cut and fine material hinted at its value. Even his black shoes and minimal jewelry were all polished to a sparkling shine.

The elder man stopped a respectful distance away and bowed deeply to Jiran and Mayalyn. His face betrayed not a single emotion other than professional respect.

“Young Master Jiran, My name is Toduerr. His Imperial Highness has instructed me to guide you and yours to the palace where rooms have been prepared for you. I am at your convenience. Please instruct me as to your wishes and I shall fulfill them to the best of my ability.”

The man bowed a second time, holding his posture for three full seconds before standing upright once more.

I’m not even going to try and convince him not to call me that. He looks like the type who would have an aneurysm if he didn’t get to follow etiquette.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Toduerr. I have to deliver these girls to their parents. I also promised Mayalyn and a nice dinner. After that, we would be glad to accept your guidance.”

“Thank you for your understanding, young master,” His polite, respectful tone was a perfect match for the seriousness and professionalism that shone in his eyes.

“In anticipation of your arrival, I have procured documentation permitting flight within the city limits.”

Jiran’s eyebrows arched in surprise at the thoughtful gesture.

Or maybe he was just trained to think of everything? I better not let myself get spoiled with this royal treatment.

"Thank you, Toduerr. That was very thoughtful of you.”

With a nod, the five of them set off over the low blocky buildings of Cruex toward a reunion with a mother and father, no doubt beside themselves with worry.

Jiran landed first, the sleeping and fully healed girls wrapped safely in aura behind him. Mayalyn’s gaze was locked onto the trail of her blood that led away from the front door. She shivered involuntarily as the memories of the traumatic night replayed behind her eyes.

Jiran approached the front door, finding a sign that read “Closed for business until further notice.”

When they quietly entered the inn, Alatha leaped to her feet and rushed to his side. Tears were already streaming down her face before she saw her girls behind him. Jiran held a single finger to his lips in the universal sign for silence.

Alatha nodded while hugging him fiercely as she admirably held back the loud sobs that threatened to escape her throat. When Mayalyn entered behind him, she was immediately attacked in a bear hug of her own.

“Thank you both so much. I can never repay what you’ve done for us this day. Thank you, thank you,” Guilt wracked Jiran as the words tumbled past her dry lips.

“Please, don’t say that Alatha. This was entirely my fault. Those men were after me and used your family to get to me. I’m sorry for putting your family in danger.”

Dandy came out of the kitchen, looking as healthy and spry as ever. He approached Jiran and gave him a fierce hug as well.

“We know, Jiran. They left you a letter which we could not help but read. It said the same garbage you just spoke. Misery befalls all those who tread upon Madra. It comes in many forms and at a time of her choosing. By her grace, we met you and were protected from this storm.

“Besides, placing blame on anyone’s shoulders but the evil men behind this act of violence would be foolish in the extreme. That is why we thank you, Jiran. You did not have to help, but you chose to, without question and without hesitation.”

Jiran was struck speechless by his words, with pride and gratitude he returned the man's hug.

“My nose tells me you weren’t so worried that you forgot to make that dinner,” Jiran said with a smile that hurt his cheeks.


Venezz rok

Ehmm, why is this the last chapter? I thought it was Royalroad + 10 chapters? And RR is at ch 77, but I can't read past 78 here, or am I missing something?