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Jiran released the mana holding his flames together, allowing them to fade from existence. With a flick of his wrist, the outline of a human body appeared on the board behind him.

“I’ve explained how communication with mana is the basis of control. Next, I will cover how to form a bridge between thought and mana to facilitate said communication.

“First, I will answer some questions,” Jiran pointed at a student who had braved the front of the audience. He stood alone amidst a plethora of military personnel. Some of whom were giving him a hateful glare as he got the first chance to ask a question.

“Uhm, did you learn your method of mana communication from the Church of the Voice?”

“No. Also, I will not be answering any further questions regarding politics or religion. Next,” Dozens of hands went down with grumbled dissent while Jiran chose an officer for his next question.

“Where did you learn your method of mana manipulation?”

“Self-taught, as a child, I was denless for a season. That experience forced me to gain a deeper understanding of mana in order to survive. Next.”

The crowd erupted into disorderly babbling as Jiran selected the next raised hand. Once the sound receded, the female student spoke.

“What’s your relationship with Princess Oliviala?”

Should I answer that? Clearing the rumors around the insane girl and I might alleviate some of the annoyances I have to deal with on a daily basis.

“Childhood friends. I will not be answering any more personal questions. Please keep the context related to the current lesson. We do not have all day. Next.”

“How exactly did you control your fire like that?” A gruff soldier with a full beard asked.

“Once you learn to talk to your mana, it will follow your commands. I merely infused my flame construct with mana and moved it at will,” Unprompted, the same soldier followed up.

“That should be impossible, when using a shaping, mana can only exit the body a short distance.”

“I see your misunderstanding. Mana connects with mana, by forming a continuous chain, it is possible to link yourself with the mana outside the body, therefore extending the reach of a shaping. However, this technique does require significant progress in control.

“That’s enough questions for now, let's move along to forming the bridge.”

Jiran pointed to the outline of the human body still displayed behind him.

“Emotions form the bridge. Consider why we are taught to constrict our emotions.

“They cause mana to fluctuate, which can completely ruin a casting or spelling. Why do they cause mana to fluctuate? Because they are the bridge, when it becomes unstable, so too does your mana.”

A channel of dirt from head to chest was removed from the human outline.

“Emotions travel from the brain throughout the body. By purposefully controlling that flow, it is possible to connect with your mana, and to some extent, the density you have absorbed through breathing or eating.”

Almost a third of the people in attendance raised their hands at once. Jiran took pity on a girl near the back who was jumping up and down waving her arm ecstatically.

When he pointed at her, the girl’s face went crimson but she managed to squeak out her question with only a few cracks in pitch.

“A-are you implying t-that emotions are a physical t-thing?”

“Correct, emotions are a result of external or internal stimuli in the brain. A tense situation, like combat, triggers the brain to release many emotions. A stray thought the next day, recounting that combat can re-trigger those same emotions.”

Jiran lightly rubbed his chin trying to think of another way to explain himself that they would be able to grasp without any concept of chemicals.

“When you have had a stressful week, are your muscles not tight and sore even when you have had no hard physical labor? If you rub your muscles, do they not then feel better? This implies that emotions, which cause stress, are a physical entity that resides in the body and can be stored in the muscles once released from the brain.”

Jiran picked another hand at random while organizing his next thoughts.

“How do you control your emotions so they don’t ruin your mana manipulation?”

“It is not necessary to control your emotions, you are only using them to form the bridge between thought and mana. It is however imperative that you have some emotions flowing through your body at all times while using mana so your bridge is not disrupted.

“This equilibrium between too much and too little emotions requires significant practice at mind control but it is—”

A man in the crowd released a wave of aura tinged with intense rage.

“How dare you also infringe upon mind control! How many mandates of the Voice will you break, Heathen?!”

The man bent his knees prepared to lunge toward Jiran but was slammed into the ground face-first instead. The wave of pressure from Jiran’s aura easily overpowered him, pinning him into the dirt. With a flick of his fingers, Jiran lifted the man into the air and then smacked him toward the entrance to The Garden.

“Last warning, if you do not wish to listen quietly and raise your hand for questions, you will be removed. I will not be so gentle next time.”

Not wanting to allow the misunderstanding to stew, Jiran pressed on with his explanation.

“By mind control, I was referring to the ability to control your own thoughts and emotions. Not those of others,” He swept his eyes over the crowd looking for any additional dissidents to appear.

Jiran noticed several members of the disciplinary committee escorting the man out of The Garden.

I’ll have to thank them later.

“I want to finish the class with some practice that will greatly benefit everyone present. I will guide you through the process of instantly converting any density inside your body to mana.”

Nearly every hand was raised as his outrageous claim sunk in.

“I understand this is concerning to you all. Converting density to mana incorrectly can certainly lead to injury or death. It is your choice to put your trust in me or not. Any who are willing to do so, please step forward.

“For those of you who skipped breakfast, It should go without saying that this will not work if you have no density to convert.”

Why are they laughing? I was being serious.

Over two hundred volunteers walked forward. Jiran directed them to stand in front of the crowd before continuing.

“Sit, and close your eyes, then we shall begin.

“Do not under any circumstances attempt to brute force your mana into converting density. My method utilizes thought and emotion only. If you feel your own mana begin to respond, stop immediately.”

Jiran dropped the wall of dirt and encompassed everyone sitting inside his aura. He gently invaded their bodies with it to observe if they were following his directions.

If someone starts to use their mana, I just need to knock some sense into them.

“First, identify whatever emotion you are currently feeling. Excitement, fear, trepidation, annoyance, anger. It does not matter which emotion it is, simply acknowledge it as the bridge you will use to communicate with the density inside of you.

“Next, extend your thoughts along those feelings toward your stomach or lungs, wherever the density is being stored inside you. Feel that density writhing inside you, touch upon it.

“It is the most common misconception that density is yours by right of you merely living in its presence. That just by consuming it through food or breath that density becomes a part of you.

“This is not the whole truth! Density does not belong to anyone, it is an energy that comes from outside the body and if it did not exist, you would have no mana, ever.

“It is imperative you understand this if you want to use the powers granted to us by density, if you want to make it your own.

Then you must claim it!

“Grab hold with all your will and make, it, yours!” Jiran shouted at the seated participants.

“It helped me, in the beginning, to imagine that I was in a life-or-death situation. This final step must be taken with absolute certainty and conviction.”

His efforts to inspire them were not wasted.

“Success!” A boy yelled and then laughed maniacally as he jumped to his feet. He stared at his own hands, opening and closing his fists as if he was seeing his fingers for the first time.

“It worked!” Another cry came from a middle-aged officer.

As more people chimed in with success, others were spurred on by their efforts until nearly everyone who had tried to follow Jirans instructions had succeeded.

Tears fell from Jiran’s eyes at their ecstatic faces and exuberant shouting. He wiped them away with the back of his clenched hand.

I did it, I made a difference. This is just the first step and it alone will change the empire forever.

When the higher tier fighters on the front line learn how to safely convert density, we will be able to take the fight to the graymin for the first time in hundreds of years.

This is just the beginning.

Jiran continued coaching those who were struggling until a wave of mana swept through the academy marking the end of his first class.

“I plan to teach this same lesson every day this week for any who were unable to attend. For those of you who did not get a chance to convert their density to mana, feel free to return another day. Thank you all for coming.”

Jiran flew out of The Garden with pride swelling in his chest. He considered going to the next class of Introduction to the Natural Elements with Professor Saltaath but decided a break would serve him better after the stressful morning.

When he neared the homeroom for Class M, he almost stopped and turned around. He then noticed that Olive was sleeping in the room and not waiting to ambush him. He entered quietly and took a seat in one of the plush chairs.

One of Olive’s bloodshot eyes opened and peered at him. Jiran’s heart froze for a split second as his mind randomly drew on the image of a deep sea monstrosity with a single massive eye larger than his entire body suddenly opening in front of him.

Her eyelid fluttered to a close once more as she took a shallow breath.

“Mmn, Jiran. Is that you? Sorry I missed the rest of your class. Haven’t slept in… three days?” She was already softly snoring before he could respond.

So she’s only normal when asleep? What a weird girl.

Jiran propped his feet up on the table and leaned back in his chair. He performed his daily cycling of mana into his aura while thinking about his class.

What worked well, what didn’t work, and what can I improve on for tomorrow?

His thoughts drifted lazily as his eyes traced the cracks of the blocky ceiling. The soft snoring of Olive and the calming atmosphere of the room soon had his own eyelids closing as sleep took him.


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