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Mana Confluence affixed the Meersvant crystal into the palm of Jiran’s glove. He adjusted the formations running the length of his arm so they could feed mana to the crystal on command. After priming enough mana for several uses, he flew in the direction of the last two sets of wind-swept tracks, his attribute-enhanced memory having no issue remembering the way. He stopped three times to absorb the ambient density, then briefly activated Gaze of Pediamus. The feeling of his luck turning for the better intensified when he spotted the fourth escapee through the eyes of the third.

Why bother splitting up if you’re going to reunite a few kilometers into the desert? Running away from the temple’s shade in the first place was a smooth-brain move, not to mention attacking a total stranger without judging their strength first. These guys really have been out here too long.

Jiran repeated his trick of tossing two gas-filled formations high into the air, then leaped in the direction of the Meersvants after they spun to observe the blasts. He caught up to them quickly as they hadn’t bothered attempting to run, bravely facing his approach side-by-side with their hands clasped. Jiran spread his aura wide, pulling on the framework to slow down and landing a short distance away.

The Meersvants didn’t make a move, not so much as blinking while staring at him with quiet intensity that he doubted they could keep up for long. They were clearly exhausted, micro-tremors rippling across their muscles just from standing straight. He considered convincing them to return peacefully; between the blisters covering their bodies from the blazing heat, their packs stuffed with supplies, and the tightly-packed mana clenched behind their jaws, he changed his mind.

He raised a palm toward them, and in unison, they spread their mouths wide to release a poison mist. The gems embedded in their bodies shone brightly as they released several distorting waves that shot their poison forward at impressive speed. 

Luckily, Jiran was prepared for the surprise attack, and his higher attributes and Concentration gave him an edge that wasn’t so easy to overcome. A distortion of his own blasted a ball of Mana Venom toward them. It shot straight through their combined skill, dispersing the mist in a perfectly spreading ring. Jiran wasn’t about to underestimate their diminished attack and leaped far out of its range. His ball connected with their joined hands, quickly seeping through skin to infect both Meersvants with his improved venom.

The greatest strength of the Creeping Pilferer toxin was its ability to rapidly infect all the attached mana it interacted with. It wasn’t overly potent and didn’t attempt to overwhelm the mana or kill its owner. Its purpose was instead focused on muting sensations, leaving their prey unable to tell if their mana was even responding to their call.

Instead of battling against their toxins head-on, Jiran targeted an entirely different characteristic of mana, and it was one he was far more adept in. His intent drew on the combined strengths of Enthralling Touch and Mana Confluence, allowing him to manipulate their mana without directly interacting with it.

Due to their skills targeting different facets of mana, they slid by one another without competing for space or superiority, like two begrudgingly amicable auras mixing in the same room. Compared to Jiran’s first attempt with the skill, this version struck lightning-fast. Having personally experienced the Creeping Pilferer’s toxin, copying its ability to rapidly spread was as simple as a thought. Upon discovering the invasive nature of his venom coiling around their true forms, both parasites writhed in distress and released a wave of poison into their surrounding manapools.

Less than a heartbeat after his venom touched their joined hands, their manapools were under his skill’s control. He had designed it to remain dormant until a skill was used, but with them doing just that in an attempt to defend themselves, his venom went to work right away, wrapping around the reeper’s and strangling their physically weak bodies. With their mana turned against them, both men collapsed in a convulsing heap and released tormented moans.

Jiran nodded, more than satisfied. He once more pushed a blast of Mana Venom into them. This time, envisioning a venom capable of eating other toxins in the same way a virus turns cells against their host. His skill rapidly circulated through them, eating away the poison the parasites had released. When Mana Omnis revealed they were clean, Enthralling Touch took care of the rest.

With nearly full mana, Jiran used his aura to knock both men out. The sounds of gentle wind shifting grains of sand was loud in his ears after their screaming halted. He scooped them up and flew back to the temple, finding the second Meersvant had awoken. Jiran’s aura was poised to push the man into the floor if he made a move but he simply stared with resigned acceptance as Jiran put the new arrivals inside. Jiran took their supplies into the storage room. He eyed the bags stuffed full of unknown items, wondering if he should spend the mana to identify them with Gaze of Pediamus. The thought triggered another, reminding him of a glaring weakness with the skill.

Using gaze to spy on someone doesn’t reveal if they’re activating a skill or utilizing mana. Luckily, omnis was able to see the mana in their mouths. If they had been higher tier and faster than me, I would have been in trouble.

Jiran blinked, registering his status notifications from the brief encounter.

Gaze of Pediamus: + 3

Mana Venom: + 4

If I had a better solution than using the crystal to project Mana Venom, I wouldn’t have needed to get so close to begin with. Even at point blank, there’s no way I would hit a higher tier beast with an attack that slow. Maybe I could create the skill from a distance through the framework and try to maneuver them into it? No, I need to find a way to project it like I can with Elemental Castigation or it won’t ever be truly viable. Hmm, maybe I can reverse the flow of Enthralling Touch, then I would be able to affect anything I can see with Mana Venom!

Jiran shuddered at the ridiculousness of inflicting an entire army with his new skill but was immediately disappointed when he tried to combine them and they failed to interact.

What is wrong with this skill? Why is it so hard to move after the mana's been converted? Why does the distortion from the crystal work when nothing else does? Guess I'll add that to the list of questions for my new friends.

After making sure they were clean, Jiran grabbed a few of what he assumed were dried fruits from one of the packs and headed back to the main floor. He plopped down in front of the cage, bouncing the fruits in his aura as he locked gazes with his single conscious guest.

Not knowing if he was capable of digesting the food, he didn't take a bite. With a slight frown, he palmed one of them and pictured its density being absorbed the same as ambient density while sending a sliver of mana into it. Sure enough, the fruit rapidly dissolved into a powder that flowed like liquid as it sunk into his extended mana. Jiran did the same to the other fruits, then once more met his captive's now-terrified gaze.

“What are you?” The man asked while scooting as far away from Jiran as the cage allowed.

Jiran shrugged, “Just a guy with a lot of questions, apparently.”

“Questions?” The Meersvant asked, his fear dissolving so rapidly into curiosity that it made Jiran suspicious.

“Yup, seems like every time I learn one thing, I'm left with three new unknowns,” Jiran held up his hand, showcasing the gem fastened to his palm, “For instance, these crystals of yours, how do they work? I know they refract and recombine mana, creating a frequency that has an effect on the surrounding mana, but why does that work and how do you make them?”

Jiran kept his third question to himself.

And how do they manipulate my venom when nothing else seems capable of it?

“Frequency?” The Meersvant made a popping sound with his mouth while dipping his chin. When Jiran simply stared at him, the man shifted his jaw, releasing a loud click and spoke in a rush, “The masterium command mana, that is their purpose. They function by first calming, and then convincing mana to behave. There are many theories behind their use that we personally never cared to learn. So long as the tool works, why bother knowing how? As for making them, we grow them in our bodies.”

Jiran’s brows rose, “I didn’t expect an answer. Why are you being so forthright?”

The man snorted hard enough to rock his upper body, “Were you looking forward to torturing us with your alien abilities? Sorry to disappoint you but we find ourselves not in the mood. You could say this isn’t our best day.”

Jiran ignored the sarcastic barbs, more interested in the first thing the man said, “You thought I was going to torture you?”

“Isn’t that why you brought all of us back? To pit us against each other? We imagined you slicing Piliq apart while we were forced to watch, then allowing the one who did your bidding first to live. Though, it would be best if you kept at least two of us alive, or you would lose your leverage,” he swallowed hard, sweat peppering his brow as he continued, “I have a tool in my chambers that would prove most influential. I can show you how best to use it…”

Jiran blinked at the man for several seconds, determining that he was definitely in some version of delusional shock. “No. None of that even crossed my mind…” An awkward silence stretched between them until Jiran broke it with his next question, “Anyways, what’s a seeker?” The Meersvant’s expression turned blank and his breath caught. “Figured,” Jiran sighed, unsurprised at the silence after Jedd’s reaction to the same question.

His captive raised both hands, wiggling his fingers, “No! Please, we’ll talk. We have no family left for them to murder. Don’t expect much. Very little is known for sure about the Cabal of Seekers. They kill anyone who spreads information and wipe out their relatives besides. Supposedly, even death doesn’t stop them from retrieving the answers they seek.”

“That’s it?” Jiran exclaimed when the man didn’t continue after several seconds.

“Uhh, there is some superstitious nonsense, though we don’t believe it. It is said they always work alone and if you so much as see one, they'll kill you.” Jiran lifted a brow at the Meersvant and he continued, seemingly having less issues interpreting Jiran’s expressions than vice versa. “That's all we know. That’s all anyone knows. If we knew more, we’d already be dead.”

Since the man had yet to lie, Jiran could only shake his head and move on, “Alright. Well, that's going to be interesting. You have a name?”

The Meersvant popped his lips once, “!Dorik.”

“Dorik? Okay.”

“No, our name is !Dorik,” He made the same pop before his name once more, then eyed Jiran with his chin cocked to the side, “What? Is there something wrong with our name?”

“Nope, nothing at all. Great name. So, how big is this wasteland?”

!Dorik clicked his tongue rapidly, “Big enough that escape is impossible. When they brought us here, the trip took over a week at tier six.”

“‘At tier six?’ Is that supposed to be a measurement of speed?” Jiran leaned forward, his interest piqued.

“Obviously,” !Dorik clicked his jaw again, the rest of his facial muscles completely lax.

Jiran rolled a finger for him to continue, “Okay, then exactly how fast is tier six?”

“As fast as a tier six can fly with aura and mana combined…” Seeing the question in Jiran’s eyes, !Dorik elucidated, “Yes, certainly some are faster than others. Long ago they gathered a few hundred of each tier and averaged their speed. Did your people never do that?”

“Nope, maybe we should though. Last question for now: are there any beasts in the desert?”

“Not that we've seen. After ten seasons of peace, we don't even remember how to fight. Look how easily you defeated us. It is pitiful we became so weak.”

“Riiiiiight,” Jiran stood up and dusted off his butt, “Well, thanks for your honesty, and for not making me torture anyone.” With his aura, he grabbed a small sealed container of water from the supply room and passed it through the bars. He lifted his chin toward the first Meersvant he’d brought back. The man’s breaths were shallow and his skin had turned even more pale, “He doesn't look too good. I’m not going to spend any of my mana to heal him after he did that to himself, but if there’s anything in the supplies?” Jiran trailed off questioningly.

!Dorik eyed Jiran critically, though didn't refute his claim about the man hurting himself, “There is nothing. If we did not die frequently, there would be no rooms to fill with more convicts.” He spat on the floor with a disgusted grimace that Jiran had no issue translating.

He briefly considered asking more about their ceremony of killing children but the rage bubbling in his chest changed his mind. With a parting nod, Jiran walked to the edge of the tunnel leading outside and stood just before the sunslight careening across the melted floor. He ran his fingers over the slagged wall, his thoughts churning through the revelations from their conversation. One detail in particular gnawed at the edges of his thoughts like a thorn lodged in his foot.

I’m sure the crystals function by colliding mana and intent to create a destabilizing effect. But why does that destabilization push Mana Venom instead of, well, destabilizing it? He mentioned calming mana but that can’t be right. Can it? Why would mana need to be calmed?


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