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What an insane week that was. There were several times I didn't think we would make it but it turns out that if you just keep working no matter how tired you get, turns out the job gets done haha.

As promised, here are a few pics that didn't make the final cut, or that we dropped halfway through development. Not sure how many of you have worked with AI art, getting it to give you what you want can take hours per picture. Still infinitely faster than doing it by hand though, and the process sure does stir the creative juices. Can't say how many times I've had a fun or cool idea that spawned from playing around with the art. If you ever try to write your own story, I highly suggest it!

My favorite of the bunch. While trying to create the newest race, I accidentally Kefka lol

Concept art for Firandel: Capital of the Remalonian Syndicate

Our current WIP for book three cover art. Jiran in his 'egg' waking up as a Remalon

Jiran in his aura-resistant suit in the tier four arena

One of the many, many attempts at creating the pillar of mana in the arena before I gave up on it

Princess Vironia giving Olive a hard time, because... culture. Yeah, we'll go with that.

Thank you for being so patient with us over the past few months. Releases have been slower for book five and I don't have a solid time frame for when that will change. Now that book 3 is done, book 4 is on the chopping block. Which means my work load won't be reducing for a few more months. Once that's over, I'll be needing a break to recharge. So, for the foreseeable future, two chapters per week is the most I can commit to without getting burned out.

I have a ton more adventures planned for Jiran and Co. so we can't be having none of that.

Cheers to a happy weekend everyone and as always, thank you for your support!



You're one of the very few I've seen use AI "art" properly. Congrats.


Congratulations on another milestone! And thanks for the (admittedly) rough timetable, we appreciate to be kept in the loop. Take good care of yourself and make sure you don't burn out. I hate to see talented authors such as you lose interest in their own books because it becomes a chore rather than something they love to work on. Thank you for the art as well. I'd definitely love myself a fully illustrated version of your works, but glimpses like these are a cool treat as well 😁


I've seen a lot of AI art across books and sites I read. Whatever tools and programming you are using though create the best I've come across. Sharpness is one thing but the intricate clothing designs and character detail you create is really impressive to see.