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Hello everyone!

Thank you all so much for coming to Patreon to support the story and I hope you've enjoyed reading up to now!

TLDR: We are not done with the story by a long shot but we do need to put it on a pause until we complete other projects.

Unfortunately, I have found myself in a situation where I feel forced to place book 5 on hiatus until my work load lessens.

Currently, we are diligently assisting with Density God books 1-4 in audiobook format, thanks to Dreamscape Media. In order to expedite their work and fulfill the obligations of my contract, I need to provide them with the manuscripts for books 2 by April, and 3 by the middle of May.

The issues with this are twofold:

1: We set a standard for quality with book 1 that I insist on meeting for any future published work with my name on it. I consider book 2 to be the weakest part in the story. Therefore, I need to give it 110% of my time and focus as I go over each and every chapter multiple times with a fine-tooth-comb. (currently about 65% done as the deadline approaches...)

2: The last time I tried to work on too many projects at once (in order to get book 1 published) I severely burnt myself out and ended up sick and unable to write for over a month. I won’t be making the same mistake again as I would hate for my capability to continue the story to be at risk.

If I were to push forward regardless, I honestly feel like book 5 would be half-assed, which is unacceptable IMO. We have some epic plans for book 5 and I'm not interested in executing it poorly at the additional cost of my sanity and health.

So, sadly, this is hiatus for a short time (Likely until May) Hope to see you on the other side.

And as always: May you thrive!


Matthew Allen

Yeah, if you can’t get new subscribers… don’t pause. Just post random art and anything neat. :)


I’d like to say that not only do you have all these projects happening, but you also just moved. It is wise for you to take the time to manage the chaos you currently have. Looking forward to the silliness this month!