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          Just wanted to give a heads up to you guys that a small selection of exclusive work that I've made will be publicly released after being up for at minimum 4 to 5 months. The pieces to be released is work that I'm super proud of, so what will be released publicly will vary. The large majority of the work will remain exclusive to Patreon. Only work at the moment I am releasing publicly is my Resident Evil piece, put a shit ton of work into it.

          I'll update my general description to reflect this. Just wanted to throw that out there so its not a surprise or anything. Also thanks for the continued support everyone. The ones that have stuck around since I've started my page, means a hell of a lot, big love.



Bro that's ok my dude


I am okay with that, I am here to support YOU, not to be some dragon hording exclusive images.


That's totally fine mang. I've just been happy to be able to support after so long.


I ain't ever a fan of permanently exclusive images, so the more that go free the better!


Yup, definitely. Some of those exclusive artworks have so much effort on them, it should be public at some point. Tons of people would enjoy seeing it