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She had been mistaken.

["Ammend in Blueprint done."]

Even Main Core was in accordance with her, she had spent the last hours the [Humans] had in that [Room] studying their mannerisms, and she had quite an extensive database on them. She was half sure she could mix among them at some point and was only wondering why their variance in design was like that.

Most held the same body type with some small difference among themselves, she had thought this was mostly a design in those that were more [Predators] and [Prey] among the caste.

Just as how some models held bulges on their torso like P9, and others didn't.

At first, she had thought that this body type needed a long [Hair], or the keratin growings as she had taken to call them. Since most of the models that held this type of bulge on their chest had long [Hair].

The bigger the bulge the more...Curved, their body became for some reason. Was this to make balancing easier? She wasn't sure.

But this theory got ditched later on as the time allotted ended and another [Human] opened the door and took Dr Williams away, this one had bulges on her chest...But had short [Hair].

This made her re-analyze most of the pictures she had taken from the [Humans], and sure enough...Ones that she had catalogued with the [Non bulge type] had indeed...Bulges.

Modest ones, smaller ones, but they had it too. She noticed a new trend, and this time it was from their coverings, those that covered completly their lower body didn't have those. While those that were covered with short fabric (Similar to the body armor she was using) had bulges on them.

Even if modest, so maybe the bulges earned them the right to use that type of clothing?

Meaning that phenotype was higher on the caste.

She would need to check a sample further to make sure she updated her own phenotype as needed, she had found this kind of clothing comfortable after all.

But that wasn't the point of the error she had found previously. No.

While it was related, the error lies elsewhere.

You see, after the [Humans] left the [Room] she took the chance to take some samples from the [Containers] they had used, the humans with bulges shared the same amount of genetic information and the organs seemed to be the same too.

She however found some difference in a part of their [Blueprint] towards the end, and multiple samples found her with quite the interesting information. At the end of the [Blueprint] she noticed their [Cells] differed, only in a single spot.

The final pair of [Cells] differed, while the non-bulge human held two of the same. The bulged human held a different pair. She went through her own database of pictures and indeed every single human (That she had a sample) followed that phenotype.

Comparing her own [Blueprint] she found that her body was...The same too, she held a pair of the same [Cells] at the end, so her current body should afford the use of this type of superior clothing...But it seemed...Younger.

Her [Cell] age was lower than the one in most of the samplings, had her body been a [Pup]?

That explained why the [Blueprint] referred to this model as [Stealth] or [Infiltration] blueprint. It made sense...She also disregarded new spawns in other test subjects after all, most of the time they were useless cannon fodder.

But even so, she needed to make sure.

So after fixing her body in the normal configuration. And stretching...that always felt nice for some reason, it made her worry that her vocal cords seemed to emit some kind of weird noise when she did those movements and she wasn't able to prevent herself from doing them.



And Main Core always said the same words as if she knew the meaning, she would check on them later, but since Main Core wasn't broadcasting nor messing with her thought kernel she left it speak for itself.

After finishing her stretch and weird vocalizations, she walked towards [The Door]. This would be her first time walking in the open, she first needed to make sure her disguise was perfect.

Exterior armor made from biomass-produced textil flesh?

["Check and optimal"]

Nanite presence within exterior bio armor?


Perfect, that would mean that should her connection with the exterior bio armor (Sundress) be cut, the thing should stay solid long enough for her to recuperate contact with it. It should stay without disintegrating as all the materials were sub-derived and not nanite-made like her dummy body. But a girl couldn't be always so sure.

Either way, she moved to the next part of her checklist.

Feet coverings?

["Modeled after Human with similar clothing and adjusted to Host Size."]

She noticed not a single [Human] was barefoot like her, she found that weird, but since her disguise depended on not being noticed she took notice and emulated the more convenient feet coverings, in this case, the ones another [Human] that was dressing an exterior textile armor like her (Sundress) was chosen.

It was a pair of small pair of leather-like material at the base that was tied to her feet with the use of thin straps that went above her feet and around the ankle to secure itself in place. She wasn't sure what kind of material the other [Human] used for hers, but she was using an imitation of soft leather that was quite comfortable on her feet.

She liked these designs as they allowed her feet to be in the open and she only needed to destroy a pair of thin straps to unleash her feet and fight as normal.

Also since the material was thin, her tactile sensation wasn't impeded as much as with the other options around, like...Who even encases their feet in hard leather?

They wouldn't be able to feel a thing like that!

Granted, the armor protection would be higher...But she wouldn't want to sacrifice the possible sense output for more protection, increased sensorial input meant she would be able to dodge more attacks. And that in turn translated into less need for armor.

Next on her list was...

Current body phenotype disguise?

["100% in accordance with Blueprint."]

The one that made her doubt, she was sure the design was 100% good, but... no other body phenotype had come closer to her current body. The closer one still was bigger than her, even if all other evidence pointed that she also had the right to use the superior coverings, that one human dressed like the non-bulged phenotype.

She even used the same lower body coverings... Granted her body was adorned with the same minerals the other bulged humans held in their [Ears] and [Lips], the only reason she knew to check to make sure.

Did that mean that if one didn't have [Bulges] they couldn't use this [Superior armor]?

Her initial assessment said Yes.

But after opening the door...

That went straight away.

"TEACHER THAT GIRL SKIPPED LINE!" A shrill attack...Or not, a shrill voice said.

"Ugh...There is always one that does that. Whose class are you?" A bulged human asked while looking at her. "And no uniform? Did you sneak in since you didn't have your uniform? We sent a notice that you all needed to bring it..."

She was almost three times as tall as her, she hadn't noticed it with the other [Humans] as she hadn't stood near them in this form. Her [Glorious form]/previous body always towered over them.

So this was a new experience, "The teacher is bullying the new girl ♪" The other [Humans] around started synchronizing their [Voices] in a weird cadence, something within her seemed to want to join at them...While another part wanted to start secreting water from her [Eyes].

Was her body malfunctioning?

"Sorry sorry...Didn't want to yell at you." The human said while placing its [Hand] on her [Head].

She prepared for an attack while checking the surroundings...

And nothing happened...

["Updated full Blueprint...Adding to Library...Updated Human gender, Female."]

It said Main Core while she felt a new flood of information in her [Brain], she suddenly understood most of the functions within her body and why they had been wired like that, the pressure she had been feeling in her lower body suddenly made sense too.

She had thought her body wanted to discharge the liquid as an attack from being stressed, but in turn, it meant she had needed to "I need to pee." Her mouth said after identifying the feeling.

She quickly used her [Hands] to cover her [Mouth] as her voice had leaked unintended, it was shrill like those around her, quite high pitched for her taste too.

"So you sneaked ahead searching for a bathroom..." The [Woman] said those bulges meant that they were [Women]. So she would grow them too?

No, did she need to grow them?

A look around herself with all the other [Humans] "Children, anyone else needs to go to the bathroom? Might as well take your chances." Said the [Woman] to the other [Humans] around.

A chorus of "Noo♪" rained down, a few [Yes] had been heard, but it seemed that the woman hadn't noticed them, she did however notice how some other [Small Women] moved near them.

"Okay, let's go and find the receptionist and ask her to guide you to the bathroom." Said the [Woman] while showing the same face that Dr Williams had shown before.

...But it felt different, she showed her teeth like him, moved her lips like him, her cheeks moved like him...But it missed that [Madness] and it had something else on it.

["Emotion identified, Care / Love."]

What is [Love]?

Main core didn't answer.

"Do you need something Teach?" She heard a familiar voice and felt herself freeze.

It was high pitched like hers, it was the voice of the other [Woman] she had listened to in the [Room], the one that bet for the demise of the [Intern].

"Yes, is there a bathroom around, the kids need to use it. We had one try to sneak around in search for one... So we would rather you guide us, I don't wanna take the [Scientist]'s time while they explain it so might as well do it now." Said the woman.

["New designation found, Teach. Logged into database."]

"Ugh...Kids...Fine, follow me." Said high pitch while doing some weird movement with her hand as if she wanted to grab something and smear it on her [leg].

"Okay kids, follow the receptionist and listen to her. And you." Said the [Teach] while looking at her, "You will stay with us till we find your teacher. I sent a message to the group chat but no one has answered yet. Do you remember the name of your teacher?"


["Ammend found for previous designation, Teach = Teacher."]

Oh, why had they shortened?!?

"No," she heard herself answer while something within her told her to let some water leak into her eyes.

She did so, as her [Insticts] had never failed her.

"Shh...It's okay, we will find it okay?" Said the [Teach] in a low tone that seemed to vibrate within her chest, it was closer to that weird sound some subjects did when dealing with their spawns.

It felt nice.

"Okay girls, follow me, we will use the employee's bathroom since we are inside the labs and we don't have customers' bathrooms here. So don't touch anything." Said high pitch while guiding them.

"So, what class are you in?" "Are you on our school?" "Did you escape a cell from this lab?"

The other [Women] around her started speaking, their dressings were similar enough to hers, but their lower body covering was more complex.

Their [External armor]/skirt was shorter than hers, and her legs had white coverings on them. Their upper body held a textile armor similar to the one Dr Williams used, but theirs held some weird fabric in the figure of two triangles on them (Necktie).

One of them used their two upper appendages to grab hers, "What's your name?" while asking as such.

["Further update on blueprint...Updated age cycle...Desgination Age - Stage. Added."]

She got another update for the blueprint? But hers was already full.

["Host's body is currently in Stage - Child. Unit Teacher is on Stage -Adult."]



So then most of her functions had been restricted this whole time?!?

"There is the bathroom girls, go at it. You sundress, you are the one that made the ruckus so you get that stall. Freckles, next one. Twin tails, that one...And red hair...You get that one, congratulations you get to use the boss's one. Go at it." High pitch said pointing them towards small den-type structures.

She followed in and opened the door into the den to find a weird...

["...Structure similar to those used by Humans to rest their lower body. Recommendation to host, discharge processed toxins from body into the water found within chair."]

That seemed like a waste, but she soon enough heard the sound of flowing water from the nearby dens, so she sat herself in after closing the door to her new [Den].

["Suggestion, raise external textile armor to prevent damage from liquid discharge."]

Oh, right. Smart, nice save Main Core.

She did as instructed and sat herself again, while going over the muscles on her lower body and flexed the right ones she discharged the accumulated liquid towards the water in the [Chair].

Such a weird feeling, her previous body could recyclate most of what it entered, and nothing ever was wasted like this...But...This body?

This one couldn't even recyclate its fluids?

And this was supposed to be a better body than her previous one?

Granted, this one seemed to be able to work with less energy expenditure and bigger CPU use, but still...

"Don't forget to clean yourselves." High pitch said, on the other side of the den.


["Suggestion, use vegetal derivated on wall to remove water remains from body. Reduce risk from biological damage towards host body from water toxins sticking to body."]

....The what?

This body was...Was....was susceptible to biological damage from its own toxin discharge system?

What the hell?

"...kay..." She heard herself join the chorus of voices as she did her best effort to make sure no drop of water stuck to her body.

And she didn't jump when she heard a flushing sound of water nearby, no sir.

It seemed that the other dens had finished discharging their own toxins, as she heard the sound of water flowing, an interesting way to make sure the toxins disappeared.

"The flush handle is on the side, it's a button." She heard high-pitched voices as she also knocked at the door to her den.

"Thank you!" Her voice said as she followed the instincts within her body, with her not claw(She missed her claw) prodded at the side, and sure enough. She found a...thing.

She suspected it was the thing called [Button] and by putting pressure on the thing the [Chair] spat water flushing away the toxins she had expelled before.

It was...


An incredible work of art as how the water danced as it pulled away her toxins into the deeps within, she hadn't noticed before but the [Chair] had a [Square-shaped] entity on its back.

It made sense, [Humans] did use this slave race for everything...And now she had done the same.

She opened the door away from this small den and found high pitch who pointed her to the other small [Child] "Sundress, go and wash your hands with the other girls, use soap and everything."

["Update blueprint with new subcategory, Human - Female variant - Child Stage - Girl. Adult Stage - Women."]

So she was a [Girl] and not a [Woman], and her current identifier wasn't P4 but [Sundress]. How does that work?

Did another [Human] with her current [Blueprint] exist in the world and they were thinking it was her?

It would help her plan to escape from the Den if nothing else. Now she only needed to [Wash her hands with soap], and then...And then...

Find out more about this [Sundress] girl she was supposed to be. How hard can it be?

She had fought and [Devoured] plenty of subjects already, surely this couldn't be that hard.


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