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Welp, there isn't much to say about this...I started with a series called "It was a Misunderstanding!" That is from where Alexanders and Alexa come from, they moved on as a sort of a wink to my older work that I deleted...

Not gonna lie, not very proud of that series as I made plenty of mistakes (Not that my current one doesn't have as many or more tho ;p)

Anyway, I nuked it from RR and so there isn't any evidence of its existence...I do regret that mind you.

So I will reupload it at a later date (I will schedule the relaunch right after this post) Anyway...I'm rambling (As always).

I will post the original work on its full here on the post right after this one so...Yeah, do enjoy.


Alexanders tries to write

https://www.patreon.com/posts/it-was-93113136 It's this one, beeeeeg wall of text tho