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These reactions had started to bore Alexa. She wasn’t sure if they served any purpose at all. What was she even doing to generate those reactions?


“[Notice, all lodged into database. Current running theory indicates that all reactions always come after mentioning the previous den dwelling or activities done within said dwelling. Be it Tests, Food, or environment.]”


That was weird… Why did it matter what kind of [Tests] or [Food] she had taken before? Granted, they had fed her better, housed her better, and granted her better facilities and accommodations.




“[Better treatment than the average Human, no apparent reason. But current data suggests that Host is currently living in what is considered Upper Strata of Society in comparison with the average Human.]”


…Was it because she was the cutestest? No wait, was it a triple effect from her three current identities? She was the cutestest, pretiestest, most beautiful… Was that why the [Humans] gave her so much? It must be right?


“[Inconclusive, more data is required. Current host body may be generating a biological effect naturally. It is advised to search or generate a new one.]”




“[New Mission Objective: Capture and Devour a new Human.]”


“Alexa? Why are you smiling like that?” [Teach] asked as she brought her back from her discussion with Main Core.


“....I will not give you any candy before you finish today's school day.” [Eleanore] added on the side too.


“Nothing! I was just thinking about what my…” Usually she would say [Tetst Objectives], but if her current working theory was true…. “...plans for the day are!”


Both [Teach] and [Eleanore] smiled at that, so it seemed to work?


Alexa wasn’t sure why it mattered that much to be honest, she knew for a fact that they exposed their [Child Stage] pups to [Testing environments] and [Subjects] in the P-series like her. She had seen it with her own eyes after all.


“Today's plans for you are as follows,” [Teach] said as she raised one of her fingers, “First, to have fun!”


That was easy enough, Alexa always had fun!


“Second, be a good girl. That means to listen to your teacher and be kind.” [Teach] added to her [Test Objectives] for this [Mission] as she raised a second finger. Immediately after this, she raised a third one and said, “And third, remember to have fun.”


That one was probably the easiest one if Alexa was to be honest, she always had fun!


“Lisa, don’t cheat, you are the teacher, of course you will want her to listen to you.” [Eleanore] said while punching lightly at [Teach] shoulder. Was this going to devolve into a [Combat Test]?!?!?


“These are standard rules; it just so happens that I am the teacher, so I benefit double from them.” [Teach] said while laughing and hitting back at [Eleanore]. Now that she was paying attention, neither seemed to have put too much strength in their punches. Was it a [Fake]?


She was lied to! Again!


“So, before we go into the classroom.” [Teach] stopped near a crossroads in the [Building], Alexa could see to her right a big [Room] with plenty [Long Seats], to the left she could see a [Park] and in front several [Rooms] with [Signs] above them that read 1-A to 4-B. Eight rooms in total. “How much does she know? How much do I need to dial back?”


[Teach] asked while looking at [Eleanore].


“You said she is some kind of genius, but are we talking that shes has advanced knowledge? Does she already know the multiplication tables? Addition? Division? Calculus? Is she a history geek? Chemistry? What kind are we speaking here?” [Teach] asked in a row.


“She learned to read and write in two hours from nothing to surpass my reading speed. She should know addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Don’t know about calculus or chemistry…No cross that one, she definitely knows chemistry and…anatomy.” [Eleanore] gulped at the last part. “Alexa? What are the topics you have the most…confidence?”


That was a hard one to answer, “What are the [Requirements] to achieve [Confidence] levels of mastery over a [Topic]?” Alexa queried before answering.


She needed to make sure not to give the wrong [Data]. At the [Den], she didn’t have this problem since she was connected to the [Internal Network], and she could just do a [Core Dump], but that wasn’t an option anymore. No one had queried her for a connection, and she would probably not allow one connection to form.


She had been trying to query for such a connection using a relay from her [Cell phone], but so far, nothing had worked.


“Lisa?” [Eleanore] asked, turning to [Teach]. It seemed that [Eleanore] wasn’t quite sure about the answer either, which was understandable since currently this wasn’t [Haephestus’ Forge] but [The Nightingale Elementary School].


“Hmm….What topics can you speak about for more than one hour and answer questions while doing so? You need to be able to explain something to be considered ‘Confident’ on it.” [Teach] said with a shrug, “We aren’t expecting you to be a master over everything, I just need to know how much you are behind the rest, I assume this will be your first time at school?”


Well that was easy, Main Core! Bring the list!


“[It is advised to not answer with all the masteries host has as to reserve something in case host is held within a cell, previous Den had been designed with Host’s current specifications at the time, if a new Holding Cell is made with current specifications escaping could prove difficult. Deception is advised.]”


….Main Core wasn’t fun, but then again. It was…ughhh….Correct.




“I can do basic multiplications from what you call multiplication tables from 1 to 33…Same with divisions up to six numbers…Some basic calculus….” Alexa started easy, it seemed that [Humans] didn’t usually learn more than 10 multiplication tables, it was understandable since after the 15 it usually mostly repeated. So Alexa added a few dozen more to sound more amazing (She was, after all, amazing). “As for biology knowledge, I know the full [Human Anatomy], [Rat Anatomy], I can infer most functions of [Wolf Anatomy] and [Large Cat Anatomy]...I know [CRAB Anatomy]....”


What other [Biological] samples did she have? She hadn’t got any of the [Flyers] or [Fish] ones…dang it.


“I also can infer most [Chemical Reactions] and know some stuff about [Explosive Chemical Reactions], know most safety measures one needs to take while handling [Corrosive Chemicals] and some [Mechanical Electrical knowledge]....” Alexa should be safe around those? Oh wait, right! “I also know [Gun] type weapon handling and [Deconstruction]!”


Right, she had gotten the [Blueprint] for the [Hand-Gun] thanks to the [Lieutenant]! She hadn’t used that yet, but she would need to try and get the base chemicals to create the [Smokeless Gunpowder] at some point. That [Weapon] had managed to pierce her [Armor] so it should be useful.


“Lena?” [Teach] turned to [Eleanore] with a [Astoundished] face. “Are you sure she hasn’t awaken a Tinker Core?”


“Trust me Lisa, she isn’t a Tinkerer.” [Eleanore] sighed, “I mean, yeah we are sure.”


“So if I get Alexa into our Core Scanner….?” [Teach] said as she attempted to grab Alexa’s hand. Only for [Eleanore] to slap it away and grab and pull Alexa away from [Teach]’s range.


“...She…has an exotic one. She isn’t an Insect or Beast Core, of that we are sure.” [Eleanore] said while glaring at Alexa, what? She had limited herself! She hadn’t even said about how she could decompose most things! “But she is safe to be around, we checked.”


[Teach] turned to look at Alexa not with fear or [Hunger], but with reluctance. Then, she sighed and turned to look at [Eleanore], “...Thank you for not selling her out Lena, I know the Villains in your sector must be paying quite well for young Core Users. Is she safe there? Will they not try to recruit her? Or is he Core Power of the….useless kind?”


[Eleanore] grimaced at the last part.


“There are no useless powers Lisa.” [Eleanore] said, she sighed and continued, “Vulcanus will not field a five-year-old, he is the main reason Villains don’t attack schools. No one wants to piss off the main Minion Rental Service, easier to rent out minions than to train them.”


“Right, of course. No useless Core Powers.” [Teach] grinned at [Eleanore] as she spoke, “Anyway, so she learns fast I am guessing.”


“Very fast, I don’t know where she picked most of those things. But she is mostly harmless unless you give her candy.” [Eleanore] said as she ruffled Alexa’s hair.


It tickled!


“...Candy?” [Teach] asked back with an eyebrow arched.


“[Emotion detected, confussion.]”


“Yeah, sugar activates her hyperdrive and turns her into hypermode. She will run around walls and ceilings while jumping from side to side, you know how it is. Kids and sugar rush.” [Eleanore] said as she fished a [Cellphone] and showed a [Photo] of Alexa’s blur running in her [Apartment]. “See? We learned that the hard way.”


“...Lisa, the sugar rush is a myth. Kids don’t turn hyperactive because of sugar, she may have ADHD or some weird quirk from her Core, but sugar rush is a myth. Trust me.” [Teach] said shaking her head, “Alexa? What makes you jumpy? What did happen for you to want to run around the room like that?”


What ocassioned that?


“The candy? I think I took the [Candy] that [Eleanore] gave me? I asked Main Core to funnel the effect to maximum effect. [Candy] makes me [Happy], so I wanted to be the [Happiestests] of all!” Alexa answered.


“Main Core?” [Teach] asked turning to [Eleanore].


“Oh…right…that… I think she is a System, that was what we found while doing the tests on her, we have found at least…. three other entities within this system besides Alexa. Don’t ask her to bring the others out…for now.” [Eleanore] answered, “They are mostly harmless and Alexa seems to be the Main One, she can fish them out as needed to have them front. But this one, ‘Main Core’ is….rude, we don’t want that one near kids.”


Main Core was rude?


Yes, yes it was.


[....Main Core has no human designation nor emotions, it is impossible for this one to be what host deems Rude.]”


Heh, that is what someone who is rude would say!


“And the other two?” [Teach] asked turning to Alexa.


“You want to speak with the big and biggest one?” Alexa asked back.


“They also aren’t suitable for a school setting,” [Eleanore] said before Alexa could ask her if she wanted to meet them. “Alexa, don’t bring those two either. This School is only for you. If they want to come to school, we can speak about that later, too, but they will need their own school.”


So this was only for Alexa?


“Yes!” Alexa cheered as she jumped around from side to side, “Alexa will not need to share with the older ones! They will not be able to bully Alexa!”


So Alexa cheered as she ran around [Teach] and [Eleanore].


“Lena? What is the deal with this? Is she being bullied by….herself?” [Teach] asked confused.


“It’s…hard, a system usually creates new entities to deal with the problems, Alexa made a version of herself that is a kid but older than her, that one is what deals with things that Alexa can deal with but she doesn’t want to. It’s around twelve-year-olds, so seven years older than Alexa.” [Eleanore] said as Alexa continued running around, enjoying the newfound freedom from her older self. “The last one is an adult, the one that is responsible and limits Alexa’s sugar intake.”


[Teach] seemed confused, “Alexa…is limiting her own candy and sugar intake? By changing her personality on the fly? For real?” [Teach] said while looking at her with confusion in her eyes. “Core Users are weird.”


“Lisa that is rude to say, this isn’t a Core User problem, but a normal person problem. A system is not something you develop because you are a core user; it is something that is borne from trauma.” [Eleanore] shook her head at [Teach], “You should look into it, maybe some of your troubled children also have a system and you haven’t noticed it. “


[Teach]’s hand darted and got hold of Alexa’s running shenanigans and stopped her, so quick!


“Don’t run in the hallways Alexa.” [Teach] said as she turned to look at [Eleanore], “Will I need one of your books to understand these other…Alexas?”


“Not really, most Systems can survive in normal society, they are good at hiding themselves. I only got caught of it because…My gifts.” [Eleanore] grimaced as she answered.


Oh right, she could read minds!




“...Fine, so I will not meet the other Alexas…But the third one? Main Core was it?” [Teach] said turning to Alexa.


“Main Core is rude, but I can bring it…?” Alexa said turning to [Eleanore] for permission.


“If possible don’t bring it out, you may scare the other kids.” [Eleanore] answered and turned to [Teach], “Her Core Powers will not show unless there is a danger to herself, heard that Alexa? Unless you are in danger or one of your friends is in danger you are forbidden from using your Core Powers unless you can get away without anyone noticing that is.”


Alexa heard perfectly the last part, which was almost a whisper.


“If someone is hurting you or deserves it you can point your powers at them. Don’t refrain on me, if your powers aren’t visible go wild.” [Teach] said after [Eleanore], “ The kids of my class are usually bullied by others because we are at the bottom of the ladder, she would probably have a better time in other classes….is what I would say before, but if she has a Core Power it may be better for her to hang around my class.”


“Because you already have a Core User so hiding two is as easy as hiding one.” [Eleanore] added while nodding.


“Exact—" [Teach] was about to answer affirmatively when she suddenly turned to look around as if searching for someone else. “How did you find out?”


“It was easy, really. All I needed to do was—" [Eleanore] started speaking, and in the middle of a word, [Teach] interrupted her.


“Alexa told you.” Said just that, [Teach] instead turned to look at Alexa. “Alexa, please don’t tell anyone else. Just like how we don’t want the bad guys to find out about your Core Powers and kidnap you to a bad place, we don’t want the same to happen to Melissa.”


….But Alexa was already working with the bad guys?


“Okay?” Alexa answered while turning to look at [Eleanore].


“It’s okay, Lena is one of the good guys even if she likes to brood and surround herself with bad people,” [Teach] said smirking at [Eleanore].


“Anyway, do you need anything else from me? Or are you good?” [Eleanore] asked they had been standing at the middle of this crossroad for quite some time already. “We do have a meeting with the principal.”


“...right, no. That was all, I will be waiting for Alexa, just don’t tell the principal about how smart she is, I doubt he will ask. But if they ask, just tell him what you feel is correct. If you do tell him about that, I doubt they will send Alexa my way, unless she breaks another kid’s arm or something. “ [Teach] said turning to look at Alexa and laughing at that.


So Alexa only needed to break an arm to end with Meli-Meli…


“Alexa, do not break any kid’s arm. They need those to eat candy too.” [Eleanore] said narrowing her eyes at her. Had she told any lie recently? [Eleanore]’s powers shouldn’t work just yet…


“I promise to not break any kid’s arm.” Alexa said looking at [Eleanore].


“[No Mana wave detected, possibility of power from Unit Designation: Eleanore activating is around 20%.]”




“I will ask you again when you return home if you kept or plan to keep that promise.” [Eleanore] was too smart!


“Okay, enough playing around.” [Teach] said as she clapped her hands to get both their attention. “If you walk in that direction, you will end up at the principal’s office. He probably only wants to speak with you to sound you out. He rarely comes around since he also is a principal at another middle school—high school.”


He worked at two places at the same time? But then how could he have enough time to play and eat! Did…did he not use an [Sleep-Cycle]? Such power could be harnessed?


“Oh…one of those?” [Eleanore] asked as soon as she found out about the great (But terrible) powers the [Principal] held.


“Yeah, merit chasers. It is good since it lets us work alone, but it means that it allows classes like mine to exist.” [Teach] said with a sad tone, was [Teach] class a [Bad class]?


“Yeah, want me to fish his dirty clothes? I still have some remaining favors.” [Eleanore] said smiling darkly while looking in the direction of the [Principal’s Office].


“Please don’t keep trying to make me feel guilty; you have already done enough to help Alexa.” [Teach] grimaced as she turned to look at [Eleanore]. “Don’t burn more of those bridges for me.”


“Eh, favors are to be used. Besides, I would have helped this kiddo even without you asking,” [Eleanore] answered.


But hadn’t she tried to send her away? She had right?


“Enough chit-chat. You need to work, and I need to get this girl a student ID…and return to my own work. See you later? We may as well hit a bar or something one of these days.” [Eleanore] said, grabbing Alexa’s hand and walking forward in the direction in which the [Principal] was. “Oh right, a coworker will come later to check on Alexa, she is called Skye. You will not be able to miss her.”


“Okay, sure. Send me a text with the next available date, preferably a Friday or Saturday!” [Teach] answered back as she walked towards one of the [Rooms] that said 1-C.


[Eleanore] only did a…weird sign?


“[Image found within internet database, sign is called: Thumbs-up. It denotes understanding, approval or acceptance. It can be used as a sign of triumph too. In this case, it is used as approval.]”


That, a [Thumbs-up].


The rest of the short journey was done in silence as [Eleanore] trembled and [Sweated]. Was she feeling [Sick]?


“[Notice, detected subyacent Mana Waves from Unit Designation:Eleanore probability of target being able to use Core Powers has increased from 20% to 80%.]”


“Okay Alexa, I will use my Core Powers here. Please don’t say any lies if you can. I will not be able to ignore them, so I will call them out. If possible, don’t talk and reveal as little as possible.” [Eleanore] said as they arrived at the door of what seemed to be a [Room] with some chairs and a [Woman] sitting in front of a [Desk].


It looked like [Eleanore]’s [Office].


“We have an appointment with Principal Hamilton about an out-of-season transfer.” [Eleanore] said as they entered the [Room] and the [Woman] turned to look at them.


“Sit, Mister Hamilton has been waiting for you. I will inform him.” The [Woman] said and pointed at one of the [Chairs], “Wait there for your turn.”


Alexa turned to look around and didn’t see anyone else.


“[Waiting for your turn is an activity where multiple Humans wait in orderly manner for their assigned slot to realize a determined activity.]”


Alexa did not see any other [Human] here waiting.


“Thank you, we will do. Let’s go Alexa, we can wait there and you can see the TV in the meanwhile.” [Eleanore] said pointing to one of the [Chairs].


Might as well, she had heard a few mentions of such [Thing] called [TV]. It was time for her to find out more about it.



“[New Mission Objective: Capture and Devour a new Human.]” Nommy nom. 'Alexa wasn’t sure why it mattered that much to be honest, she knew for a fact that they exposed their [Child Stage] pups to [Testing environments] and [Subjects] in the P-series like her. She had seen it with her own eyes after all.' Silly Alexa they didn't know. Those teachers wouldn't have sent them in if they did. I am pretty sure even though the rabbits were safe there would still be a danger of lawsuits.


Thank you for the chapter!