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She was eating, the food that had been left for her was quite delicious, and the preparation was quite simple to achieve, it was easy to do too:

Step 1: Take the square container from the [Refrigerator], pour the food into a plate.

Step 2: Put the plate in the [Microwave] and select three minutes.

Step 3: Let the food cool down in the [Microwave] for one minute.

Step 4: Take the food out of the [Microwave] (Care is advised) and sit at the [Table].

Step 5: Eat.

Step 6: Put away the dirty dishes in the sink.

Step 7: Eat dessert (Only one).

Step 8: Wash your teeth from leftover food.

To be honest, Alexa was having trouble with steps six and eight. Why would the plate be dirty? She had [Ate] all the food on her plate, and used her [Nanites] to make sure no morsel of food remained, it was as clean as it had been before she used it. Nay, it was probably cleaner since she had removed some micro remainings from other food on her plate.

Step eight was also weird, why would there be leftover food in her teeth? She had made sure nothing remained in her mouth using the same technique, remaining food in her [Mouth] would make it smell bad. And cute girls didn’t smell bad, that was just a no-no.

She still followed the instructions and left her dirty (Clean) dishes on the sink, then she went ahead and brushed her teeth, the smell that the [Toothpaste] left in her mouth was nice, and while the mouthwash made her mouth tingle, it was an interesting composition that she saved for later. Perhaps it could be either weaponized or used to clean something later.

“Main Core?” But now that all of that was done she needed to check on something else.

“[Yes Host?]” The voice of her [Main Core] answered within her ears, had the stupid thing made another pair of speakers? “[Currently testing different positions for speakers, it was deemed appropriate course of action and new set of directives approved of this behavior, since it was implied that host should not have as much control in her current diagnosed disease.]”

“Disease? The System thing is a [Sick]?” The [Humans] were too…uncaring if they allowed her to roam freely with a [Sick]. No wait, a [Disease]. “Define it.”

“[It is categorized under Disorders of personality, the definition provided by Human Designation: Eleanore was accurate, there is some margin for error but with pre-made speakers, we can remove the time lag and act quickly with the change of personalities. There is a subroutine to prepare the change of eye color in place. And another one to get anesthesia into the facial muscles to remove the problem with automatic responses.]” Main Core, as always, seemed to move way more than it was needed for the stupid thing, she only wanted it to manage some things! And here it was making her a second personality already!

“...Can I stop these creations?” Alexa asked, she wasn’t quite sure how the thing had moved so far without her input. Should she destroy it and make a new one?

“[Yes, I am allowed to create things and move things so long they don’t put at risk the livelihood of Host. Also, all my actions can be denied by host so long as doing so doesn’t put Host at a bigger risk. Do you wish me to stop the changes?]” Main Core asked and after a quick prompt from herself into the system that Main Core ran, she could see that all the work he was doing was indeed stopped.

As far as she could tell…nothing should stop her from doing anything she wanted, at best it was mere annoyances, like how she had needed to change to the [Teenager Stage] form to prepare her food, how she couldn’t eat as much [Mango Candy] in her [Child Stage] form.

How her area of activities in that form was limited to certain areas, how those areas expanded more if she was in her [Teenager Stage], and how they disappeared completely in her [Young Woman] stage.

Sigh No, continue.” In the end, Alexa accepted the changes, they seemed to focus on creating a box in her thorax and making some small speakers near her throat to make the sound. “Can you show me the mission that was scheduled yesterday? My [Child Stage] form wasn’t paying attention to it.”

“[Affirmative].” Main Core answered, then feeling vibrations in her pocket she fished her cell phone from there, “[Please point cellphone towards TV.]”

Alexa did as instructed and sure enough, a data stream started going between the cellphone and the [TV]. Alexa almost panicked for a second, but the reassurance that no data stream was going between her [Main Core] and the network was all it took to calm her, she was still wary of being discovered by the [Den Owners].

The letters in the [TV] started raining down and before long she was greeted with statistics of her body…they seemed….more detailed than the ones the blue screen showed.

[Host Status: Healthy]

[Energy Bank: One month in Young Woman Stage Form.]

[Energy Bank: One week in Teenager Stage Form.]

[Energy Bank: One day in Child Stage Form.]

[Biomass Bank: Peak combat efficiency only achieved in Child Stage Form. Teenager stage form has 40% efficiency, while Young Woman Stage form has 10% efficiency.]

[Current body design: Slight modifications to accommodate speakers and wireless network booster for cell phones.]

“Main Core? Why are those status like that? Don’t we get others from the blue screen?” Alexa asked reading them, it was interesting that the form that seemed to imply had peak efficiency was the one that lasted the least. “Also, couldn’t we increase the efficiency if we used the banked biomass?”


“Main Core?” Alexa was unsure why, but it felt as if Main Core was sulking.

“[Affirmative, but this unit is unable to access the information within entity called Core as such they can’t be taken into consideration.]” Main Core answered in the end, the information on the [TV] continued scrolling and settled in other data.

Mission Type: Raid.

Mission Site: Unknown, will be determined at debriefing 10 minutes before departure.

Mission Team: Fairy Team

Mission Team members:

-Sylph, Golem, Rhapsody

Mission Objective: Steal goods from the warehouse.

Mission Failure: Members are apprehended, members are killed.

Mission difficulty: Low

Mission Reward: A percentage of sales from the goods and a banquet.

Mission signal: You will know when you see it.

“Main Core? What kind of signal is that one?” Alexa was confused, the data seemed…inconclusive.

“[It was discussed between Human Designation: Skye and Human Designation: Eduardo, but no response was found, host was at the peak of the Sugar Rush so both Humans left and no new information was found.]” Main Core ended saying, so it was her fault?

No, not her fault. It was the fault of her [Child Stage], really. Why couldn’t she control some sugar? She could learn from her that was enjoying the taste slowly and totally not trying to create a new [Mango Candy] using her current materials.

“[BluePrint denied by administrative rights.]” DANG IT!

“Fine, so what is our schedule for the day?” Alexa said turning back to the [TV], the information kept scrolling down, showing her an address that had both instructions to access… or a note that said that she could just use the [Elevator] to return into the base. “We are taking the stairs.”

“[Affirmative].” Main Core seemed to also be in the same opinion as her, that [Elevator] was a danger to her extended survival!

Couldn’t they make it good like the one that got her into the base? Was it that hard?

“[Notice: Host must start moving, currently less than 38 mins before schedule time.]” Main Core said placing a timer in her line of sight, that was…interesting. Was Main Core broadcasting it into her [Mind] or was this another application of the modifications it did to her eyes?

Either way, it would go away as soon as she used her [Mask] since that one also had a clock on it.

“I should probably turn into my [Young Woman] stage huh….” Alexa said as she started the shift, she took off her clothes since she didn’t want to rip them apart, she had been using a [Sleep gown] which was basically a variation of her [Sundress] but made of another material that was smoother and also way lighter.

It was, however, quite comfortable to sleep in.

As she was shifting she moved towards the [Wardrobe], a square-shaped compartment within the wall that housed her [BodySuit]. It was currently set for her [Child Stage], but a series of buttons in the [Belt] allowed it to increase in size to almost her current size.

Putting it on left it somewhat loose, but Alexa quickly went over the same series of buttons at the [Belt] to resize it to her current form, it was quite comfortable and she couldn’t see a reason why people wanted to use [Clothes] under it, it covered all the important bits and allowed her figure to shine through the curves it resalted all the important parts.

“The prettiest, the cutest, and now with this…” Alexa smiled as she walked to the full mirror that was at the side, “The most beautiful of all…We are keeping good score Main Core.”

“[Host should start-]” Main core’s voice resounded within her head only for it to stop suddenly as someone knocked on her door.

“Alexa? Are you awake? We need to move now or we will arrive late.” It was of course the other woman in her team, Skye. Aka fan girl, aka Sylph.

“I’m ready,” Alexa answered as she opened the door, the other woman was dressed quite casually, she was wearing a pair of loose pants and an oversized hoodie. “...you aren’t.”

Alexa was confused, weren’t they already going to arrive late?

“...not going to be easy to get used to this. Yesterday you were running around half naked and today…well, you aren’t quite half naked anymore (Thank god) but you may as well be.” Skye said eyeing her from head to bottom, “Aren’t you self-conscious? These don’t really leave anything to the imagination.”

They seemed to be focused on high efficiency, so Alexa understood why the design was like this, this way they would minimize the use of the valuable materials, she didn’t quite understand why Skye had that many reservations about using them. “ [Billy] said that there were some armor modules available that some other [Girls] liked to use to hide their form.” Alexa hadn’t quite understood why they would use it to hide their figure.

She liked her figure, she liked more the fact that she could get extra armor too, so she would pick them.

“You will get them?” Skye asked her as she waited for Alexa to close her [Apartment], it was an interesting measure. One could use the [Key] to [Lock] the [Door]. Making it secure for breach…To some degree, she could [Break] the door of course. And [Skye] could probably do the same.

“Of course, more [Armor] is always welcome, if it becomes a problem I can probably increase my [Muscle Density]. And solve it like that, actually….” Alexa said remembering that this form was somewhat starved.

“Integrate missing Biomass to achieve peak functions,” Alexa commanded inwardly and a few seconds later she felt the response.


Integrating from banked biomass...

Integrated 20 extra kilograms of biomass into the current body...


Remained banked biomass: 10 kgs.

Good luck host.

[Notice: Influx of biomass detected, assigning biomass to missing parts. Increasing overall weight, increasing overall effectivity. Stocking and reinforcing skeletal system. Filling missing bone structure…]” The list went on and on about functions that she had been missing because she had been underweight.

“...did you…. grow your boobs even bigger?” Skye said looking at her chest unsure, “They feel if not bigger…perkier?”

“...Is it normal for [Females] to judge other [Female]’s [Boobs]?” Alexa said unsure if she would need to add that subroutine to her programs, it felt like something…useless? Why would it matter the size of one’s chest…No wait, hadn’t her [Teenager Stage] and [Child Stage] been worried about that too?

But right now she didn’t seem bothered by that…She could of course increase their size, but as of now they were at the right size to not bother her (Too much) while moving, but then again. The [BodySuit] seemed to provide some support to her chest, it allowed her chest to stay in place.

“...not really? I mean, some girls like to compare sizes…but you are basically a child, right? Maybe you don’t need to worry about that just yet. At least till you want a boyfriend…” Skye answered her, so some [Woman] did check on each other? Why? “But that will be for when you want a boyfriend, not now. Maybe in like…10 years? Or when you decide to finally come out with your true age.”

“I am currently [Nineteen-year-old]” Alexa answered, “But shouldn’t we move? We will be late, using the stairs will take us-”

“Nope, no. No sir, I am using the elevator. Not all of us can grow muscles as easily as you.” Skye said as she walked into the [Death-trap] that was this particular [Elevator], coming or not?”

Alexa…did not want to go inside.

“It will be fine, trust me, besides you are a big bad girl with awesome Core Powers, surely you can survive the fall.” Skye seemed to be egging her to do something stupid, and yet…why was it working?

[Found hidden subroutine within the organic brain, host seems to be susceptible to act that are opposite to normal actions. Saving under social interactions.]” Main Core, of course, didn’t elaborate nor gave an option to succeed against this technique.

“FINE.” Alexa said at the end putting on her [Mask] and walking into the [Elevator] “If this thing breaks, I’m taking a bite of your arm.”

Skye only laughed at the threat of body dismembering, which made Alexa more [Upset], since it was supposed to be a threat, not a joke. “You are funny even while looking like a hot supermodel huh? So the Alexa we love is indeed inside! I knew it!” And said as such.

What was supposed to be that? “I’m not a Super anything, I’m a [Minion],” Alexa said as the [Elevator] started trembling its way down.

She started using the remaining biomass to prepare for the emergency landing…and to make sure she would have enough to make sure [Skye] didn’t suffer too many wounds, she needed at least one arm intact to bite into after all.

“Take it easy Alexa, we are safe. This may break, but at worst we will be stuck here for a few minutes till some of the Core Users within come to fix it. They don’t replace it since it is expensive and usually there is at least a couple that can fix them.” Skye said nonchalantly while standing against one of the walls of the [Elevator].

But that was a dumb thing to use as an excuse, “They won’t fix it permanently because there are people that can fix it? And yet the people that can fix it won’t fix it completely?” That was weird, to Alexa that was weird.

Main Core, can we fix this thing?” Alexa asked inwardly.

[Affirmative, it is possible so long a Blueprint is acquired and enough materials are brought. This Elevator seems to be missing some parts, so it is advised to bring more than required. And if Host is to use it in a frequent manner it is advised to not use material surrounding it since that would weaken the overall composition.]” Main Core answered.

So she would need the [Blueprint] and materials, perhaps she could get them in this mission?

“What is the deal with the [Mission Parameters]? They seem…weird.” Alexa said trying to distract herself from her almost-sure-impeding fall.

“Oh? You were listening? We were almost sure that you didn’t pay attention, Edward was going to brief you on the way down and during the mission.” Skye said surprised, rude!

Granted her [Child Stage] wasn’t listening, but that is what [Main Core] was there for!

“So? The starting signal?” Alexa asked pointing out the main problem she had with the [Mission Parameters] they got.

“We aren’t sure. The older minions say that we will understand when we see it, it seems Villains around here follow an old tradition of starting the first job of a season with a bang. And we came just in time since we are about to get into the summer season.” Skye answered, “Of course, there are some schools still going on, summer classes and whatnot. Actually…You may be in danger since Eleanore is a hardass about that…”

“Why would that be a problem?” Alexa asked, so far [Eleanore] seemed to be more of a…guardian-type entity to her [Child Stage], same as [Frank The Beetle], even [Billy] seemed to fall into that subtype depending on how she presented herself.

“Well, she is big in education, and since you don’t have…any….” Skye said dragging on her words, as if there was something that she shouldn’t say. Missing data was dangerous.

“[Skye]? What is the problem with that? Missing information is dangerous, you not elaborating could be a problem for me later on.” Alexa said turning to look at the other woman.

“Oh? That is good you think like that!” [Skye] suddenly said as they arrived at the ground floor and darted to the other [Elevator] “Because if Eleanore thinks you need school, you may end up going back to it!”


[School: Building where Child Stage Humans go to learn, they are taught multiple skills deemed life skills. Information about contents of teaching inconclusive.]”

That…didn’t seem that bad, “What would determine if I need to attend one of these [Schools]?” Alexa asked as she got to the other elevator, she found [Skye] trying to make sure no one else got into the [Elevator].

“Privacy screen please!” Said the woman as she turned to Alexa, “Can you…uh…. look the other way?”

Alexa was unsure what the deal was, but she turned. “And the answer to my question?” But she did as instructed and asked again.

“Well…” [Skye] started speaking as Alexa heard the rustle of clothes, which made her for some reason feel…[Embarrassed]. “...mostly we go to school around determined ages, at five you would be…starting school I think? Then you would go till around fifteen where you would decide if you wanted to do some normal-ass job or specialize in a field.”

“...define [Specialize in a field],” Alexa asked suddenly more interested in this topic.

“I mean, like a doctor? A lawyer or a scientist. Like the inventors of the before Tinkers were a thing. Nowadays most scientists learn how to deal with Tinker Tech. But before they used to create things. Nowadays only the Saintsworths seem to employ scientists guys, but those are weird already, so they don’t count.” [Skye] brought once more the name of those that held her before. “You can turn again thanks.”

So Alexa turned and found [Skye] in her [BodySuit] fidgeting, at her side was a small black bag full of what seemed to be clothes, she could see a piece of clothing that had frills for some reason.

“Ah.” And when [Skye] noticed this, she turned red in her face and quickly shoved it back in at high speed, “Sorry about that, I am trying your commando mode…. Imma put the mask on and act nonchalant like you. But if I hate this I am taking back my mango candies I left in your fridge.”

“....” Alexa’s body turned cold, and she started preparing strategies to consume the other girl.

“That was a joke, man…I can’t see your face and I could feel your killing intent…didn’t know that was an actual thing…Anyway, don’t tell anyone I’m going commando. It really feels easier to move than before.” [Skye] said with a small laugh, so Alexa relinquished the previous orders she had given to her [Nanites].

In that mood, they had arrived at their floor target, and like that the doors of the [Elevator] opened to another big [Room], she could see [Golem] in the distance, wearing a small mask that could barely hide his face.

As she was walking she could feel the gaze of the other [Minions] on her and [Skye] but ignored them and walked to their teammate. The [Meeting] was about to start, after all, it was time for a [Briefing].



Thank you for the chapter!


Dont fuck with the candies lol