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First off, I want to thank everyone for supporting me on Patreon! I can't express how grateful I am to you guys. Your donations helped and influenced my life to change for the better. I managed to support my parents and contribute to our household.

Unfortunately, school is coming up again. Rest assured I would still post some content on my Patreon. The only thing that would change is the frequency of my posts and the portion of images it contains. My schedule is looking pretty hectic, especially since my Thesis is coming up.

Starting in the following weeks, my PIXIV would still receive updates and new posts, but it won't be as abundant as before. I hope you would still consider supporting. I'll try my best to make some content during my free time.

Thank you for your time in reading this post 🙇🙇🙇! Thank you very much for supporting me! ❤️

TLDR: Thank you for supporting me! School is coming up. I'm going to get busy (Thesis), but I would still upload. Although, it won't be as frequent and abundant as before.





要約: ご支援ありがとうございます! 学校が始まります。 論文で忙しくなりますが、まだアップロードします。 ただし、以前ほど頻繁で豊富ではありません。



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