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Meet the monster girl line-up for V1.1!

  • Chandelier: She quietly waits in the ceiling with her eyes poking out. When you walk underneath her, she drops down and blocks the path. The only way back is by defeating her...
  • Mad Fatter: Currently available in the '+' version. Every time she moves, her expression changes. Each expression comes with a different Attack power, from incredibly weak to 'shit, I'm gonna die'.
  • Trove: She wonders aimlessly through the dungeon with no real direction. She doesn't do much, however, there will be a new Wrapper that increases the energy she gives to the Savoring Sword. So, later on, she can be a 'trove' of energy.
I am working my butt off to get the update ready for you before Christmas! I am aiming for December 20th!



Lord Daret

Thank you for your hard work. Your effort is greatly appreciated. Also, I just love the Trove. Hits that branch of monster kinks I have no name for.