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 Here's the new update! It includes:

  • Zee!

  • Card upgrading and Shards

  • Auto-Crawl

  • A new dungeon and monster girls

  • More story

  • Jiggly belly

Once you reach Chapter 4, you can use Auto-Crawling by pressing Shift (or Tab) and it will attempt to complete the dungeon for you.

So, the plan is to eventually add post-game content to the game like an Arena, Bounties, Endless Tower, etc. If you have any ideas that you would like to share, send me a message or start a conversation on The Craving Corner!


Voluptuous Fantasy Zee Trailer



I really like this update, the addition of having upgraded cards is very appreciated for replay value! Would you have a suggestion as to where we should be in terms of levelling up our cards before the next update?


Thank you :) im also thinking of adding a settler who can switch out abilities for new ones, and maybe a merchant who sells rare cards! For Perkia's Secret Passage, Chapter 6 will kind of push you to upgrade the cards at least one more level each (nothing too crazy) but there will also be tougher dungeons later (plus the post-game endless tower) so having better cards is always gonna be a good thing :)

Gabe Esh

Hey I noticed a small typo/error. During Chapter 4 during Whisper's eating scene it has Whisper say "get it while it's hot" and then Pot head says various eating noises.


Pot Heads gonna get thicc 😂 Thanks for letting me know tho! Hopefully its just a typo and not a bug