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Heya folks it's time for this months update! Working through some various pics at the moment, most of it focusing on this months painting and a trade pic! Both are getting pretty close (the trade especially!). Going to be continuing on both throughout the week and should have at least one of them if not both done by the weekend!

Lycanroc Painting: Starting to really get there on this one so far! Most of the background is pretty well rendered, and I'm decently into the characters! I think the next major thing is going to be some value tweaks to make sure things are reading well before I start into heavy rendering!

ShinySteel Trade: Just about done with this! Need to just do a little bit of cleanup around the head and some highlights and this one will be done :3!

Art prints: Just got the Inteleon prints in this week! Working on getting shipping squared away for them now! The Hi Tide Tea pics have also been ordered, so should hopefully be here soon!

Team Wipe and May: So might be a bit slow on a team wipe update at the end of this month. Next month I'm planning on attending FWA, so I might do a bit of pre work on the next painting so that I don't fall behind next month! As a result some of the next linework might get pushed back just a little bit.



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