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Been working on some of the backstory things with the suit, mainly in regards to the  nodes on it! Lore wise there is a whole heck of a lot I need to type up on it all, but for now just know that you can power a small vehicle off of Bod and the suit alone haha.



JG Bulloon

Very intrigued about the lore for this!


So, does this suit's quirk obey E=MC^2? If so, *giggles maniacally*


Hey those hips have some real mass to them! Of course they should be able to produce quite a bit of energy X3!!!


Oh, I mean't more so another cheeky way to make bod round. The suit storing energy as well as mass :p


Ahhh gotcha haha! Sadly there isn't going to be a kink tie in with the power stuff, but I do have some other lore things planned with it!