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My ride pokemon tends to be a bit difficult to ride. I mean it's not like he isn't comfy to sit on, very plush indeed! It's just.... he has a hard time actually.... moving....



Rejax Aethelwulf

It doesn't need the fake wheels anymore because now it has an orb to roll on~


You always seem to find the perfect Pokémon that share your personality! 😉


I swear it comes out too much in the doodles I do XD. My pokemon get to be sassy and eat too much so that I can live vicariously through them haha!

BodBloat (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-02 01:40:06 Knowing them, that orb is just gonna roll over me >:0!
2023-01-04 19:56:16 Knowing them, that orb is just gonna roll over me >:0!

Knowing them, that orb is just gonna roll over me >:0!