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Heya Folks, it's time to make a patreon announcement that I'm pretty excited about! So earlier in the month I ran a poll regarding the $10 tier. Got some really good feedback and overall positive reception to turning it into a $10 print tier. So every month the speed paint pic I render out will be turned into a print for that tier! Now there are probably a few questions regarding this and how it will work, so I've created a bit of a info dump and FAQ below to go over the finer points.

Print details:

  • Prints will be sized at 5 inches by 7 inches. For an example here are the test run Renamon prints made.

  • Shipping is included in the tier for domestic! For international I'll be also adding a $20 print tier also due to the shipping costs. (Tier 10 will be requiring shipping address starting next month)
  • The print each month will be the speed paint picture done for the month. These will be shipped out at the end of the month once Patreon sends me to the total patrons for the tier.


What happens to the PSD tier?

PSD files will still be getting posted on the $10 tier! But for those looking to access the PSD files without getting a print, I'll be making a $7 tier also that is just for the PSD files.

What If I don't want the print for that month?

I will be making previous months available also as long as I have stock! So for example if you didn't want the new print for the current month, you could choose to switch it out with an existing one like the Renamon print shown off above! I'll be sending out a monthly post to remind folks of the prints available, and when the current one is shipping!

Why does International prints have a $20 tier?

Sadly this is mainly due to shipping costs at the moment. Almost all shipping out of the country costs close to $15 dollars to ship. Due to that I wouldn't be able to ship the prints out of country as is with the $10 tier. But by creating a $20 tier, it at least gives folks the option if they would still like to grab one and support the patreon!

What if I only want to get the prints without supporting the Patreon?

I will be making the prints available a month later outside of Patreon. Patrons will be getting first shots at them through the print tier, but any leftovers I have will be getting sold online with my other prints!

What happens to the current tier at the start of the new month?

These changes won't be going into effect till August 1st. So anyone that is currently in the tier at the start of the month will now be on the new print tier. If your looking to step down from the tier before it switches over, I'd recommend doing it before the end of July! Likewise if your looking to hop onto the tier to get prints, I would update your pledge to the print tier after the 1st! That way you don't get charged for the $10 tier a month before the print tier starts.

I'll be sending out another update towards the end of the week for folks to switch over any tiers! In addition if anyone has any questions, feedback, ect please let me know! THis is very much a big step for me, and I'm sure there are 101 little questions or tidbits I've missed haha.


JG Bulloon

Woo! Really excited for you with this!

Marceline Noblebloodt

Darn.... Really cool, wish I could partake, 10 would've been nice, but 20 monthly isn't something my income allows for...


Yeah it's something that bums me out so much. I'm really hoping that shipping costs in the US can drop enough over the next year for me to adjust it ;o;! I've never seen it get this bad to send small packages before.

Marceline Noblebloodt

The world is going to shit shamefully... It's just a shame that needs to affect my ability to receive gorgeous, big-bellied beauties from one of my favourite artists ;w;