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Well that explains why everything was taking forever to load. This digi-fox over here was hogging all the bandwidth >:0!! 

Finally wrapped up the speed paint poll! Was a ton of fun getting to finally paint up Renamon after years. Heck I think the last and only time I'd done it in the past was for a round of marker requests XD.



JG Bulloon

Haha! I'm sure that's gonna be a fun internet bill to pay next month. Nice work on the speedpaint! Looks super high caliber and shows off what ya've learned in the past few years


thanks! and yeah been cool to see how I did after so much time X3!

Marceline Noblebloodt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-02 04:53:56 beauty <3
2022-04-27 20:27:31 beauty <3

beauty <3