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Hey folks wanted to give everyone a reminder that for next month and November I'm going to be putting Patreon on freeze! Things have slowly been progressing and healing the last month, but still got a ways to go with Physical therapy and recovery in general. With my long vacation coming up in November, I figure this is the perfect chance to really cement the healing and get a nice break in!

So for everyone on here you should not be getting charged this next month and the following one. Might post some thing here or there if I'm really feeling good, but for now I'm probably going to be clocking out for a bit to finally relax for once in 7+ years haha! So Just in case, I'll see you all back here in December, ready to go with some more art >:3!!!


JG Bulloon

Enjoy that vacation Bod! Feel better!


He'll yeah man. Take as much time as you want, you deserve it!