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Hey everyone, got a bit of an update I needed to let you all know about on here regarding the slower pace in art the last few weeks. So for those who don't follow me on twitter, 2020 was a bit of a rough year in terms of my body and some old injuries. Been working hard on trying to overcome some repetitive strain injuries on my wrists, shoulders, and back for the greater part of 2020 and had a bit of luck with it. But over the last 2 months some of them have started to come back a bit, and a new pain on my drawing arm has started up.

Tried a few small 2-3 day breaks over the last year when it flared up really bad, but it's starting to get to the point where it's effecting everything I do in life now outside of art and work. So I'm finally deciding to bite the bullet and take a well deserved break from the computer and arting for a few weeks to genuinely give my body some much needed time to rest and recover.

Now this is something that in all honesty is a major bummer for me. I love getting to work on art, and probably would be spending close to 8-10 hrs a day doing so if my body actually let me.  Plus I really feel bad putting stuff on hold when I have so many things that need time put into them. But at the end of the day it's something I need to do so that I can continue doing art throughout my life. 

So what does that mean for Patreon? For this month I know a lot of folks are looking forward to some new content, especially with the team wipe comic. I've gotten a few inked pages ahead of what has been posted, so I'm probably gonna post some of that over the next few days, in addition to some WIP's of stuff and general updates. Depending on how things feel, I might be able to do a bit more at the end of the month, but I'll have to see. I really wish I could give more than that, but this is sadly hitting me right at the start of a lot of the new pages/paintings I'm working on ;w;

Depending on how I'm feeling towards the end of the month I'm going to see how to approach march. If a lot of the problems have cleared up, I'll probably start slowly into working on stuff again in march. If things are still going a bit slow in March I think I might put a bit a month long freeze onto the patreon so that you all don't get charged for a quiet month from me.

Overall I hope you all understand, and I can't even begin to tell you all how frustrated I am with it myself. Even right now my drawing arm is cramping up after typing this all out X'3. But I'll be back in the swing of things before you know it! So thank you everyone who has supported me :3!!

Best regards,





Well I'll say this: I'll bump up the monthly sub I give, and will keep being a patron regardless! You certainly deserve a break with your fantastic art. c:

JG Bulloon

Take the time you need, Bod! You put in so much work; now it's time to let your body get caught back up. Feel better and come back when you're ready! Definitely going to keep my subscription up so you get the steady support.


Hey you never have to be afraid that we will hate you. Take all the time you need to feel better, we want making art to be a fun process for you! ♥️♥️♥️


Ahhh thank you JG!! Yeah looking forward to getting some good rest and recovery!