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And out just in the knick of time ;A;!!! Gah this has been a bit of a crazy month, but managed to finally get this page finished up!!! Finally getting to see Bod at his newest size X3. Now to just help him out of that gold pile, or at least whats left of it >:3!



Kaz Wachowski

And now for part 18 LUL


man, that actually kind of sucks to get a comment like that even if it was meant to be funny. Been working non stop on this page for over a month plus now, and for the first comment I get is about the next page really kind of sucks.


Hahahaha silly Bod, of COURSE you haven’t made a dent in it yet. They better roll you out of there quickly! Too much more and you’ll be stuck in that dungeon


THis is the truth haha!!! Either way, I have a hunch that rolling is gonna be the only option soon XD


Bod better hope there aren’t a lot of spikes or rusted weapons laying around X3


Hopefully not haha! But more than likely they would just end up joining the rest of the loot inside him XD


Wait, does his stomach ONLY absorb treasure or does it absorb anything???


Nah it absorbs anything haha! Comes with plenty of pros and cons XD


How is that a con?! 😍 I’d love to be swallowed up into your growing hide!


It's more of how things can get out of hand haha!. Like rivers are a huge problem, and it's also sort of tough for the Bf to get grabby hands with Bod when the hands just sink in X'D

Caberea Alaskas

I was so distracted looking at all the lovely things like the belly and the clothing designs and the belly and the way the pile of gold is drawn with all the shifting contours and such that I missed the adorable little Loot Left icon until just now. Little touches like that are just wonderful~


Yeaaaaah!!! Having that added in is always such a nice little touch for folks. Also lets you know there is still plenty more to come X3!!