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And finally done with the sequence! Sorry about the delay in getting this to you all, took a bit with the vacation in between work haha. So Inteleon truly showed us just how elastic he can really be, but even the stretchiest of waterballoons has their limit! Luckily they have a really loving trainer who is more than okay putting them back together and dealing with their *ahem* expansive moods. I guess my pokemon somewhat take after me X'3!

Also hooray for random hoses in the middle of nowhere XD. Don't ask me how they appear, I swear it must be part of my camping gear, because they just spring up out of nowhere~




Woopsies! Better keep that hose from him Bod!


Gonna try to! Although he very much is a slippery little lizard ;3!


You're wearing armor! Strap him to uou like a baby! Maybe if he's a good boi he can sippy sip on that hose, eh? His belly growing bigger and sloshier against those tight restraints?


XD now that would be a sight! Just so long as I can hold myself upright with a swelling lizard strapped to my back X3


I got so worried. So glad nurse joy is a God.


saaame! And yeah never worry, in all art I do, popping/bursting is very much temporary and everyone survives it. Although the surrounding area might still suffer from the explosion XD