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Well, men, I've figured some shit out. First, I love that their pecs are almost always wider than my whole body. Fuck, that's fun. And I've found an alternate reality we can all fit it, for real, bodies and all. It's not a spell, or something you have to meditate into. It's 100% real, and it it just takes a tool to open the gateway. A pretty fucking huge gate, cuz we're our size, and they're heirs. Takes a while to stop licking their huge calves and realize you've got their whole bodies to explore. It does take a tool to open the gate. It's organic but off the vine so dried and hard like any tool. A key. It's a key. Not that hard to find, an empty lot or vacant pasture, Even in the city you'll find one. I can't describe it, but if I can find one, believe me, so can you. I'm no genius. And you won't fucking believe it. You gotta go in and sit down and wait for your body to adjust to it, like being at sea the first time. EVERYTHING is constantly changing size. Everything changes size so it can all fit together. I was worried I'd never get my mouth around one of the gigantic heads of one of their cocks. But when you're both into it and you want it to, it just happens. The most enormous cock just suddenly slips into my mouth or ass. And mine are inexplicably huge enough to fill theirs. And they can't believe it either. They're just as excited as we are. It's a whole new kind of sex. Things you wanna stay huge do.. Those pecs, abs and biceps don't change size, but your lips lock together perfectly. Think on this. More to come.