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Officer Richards was logging in the new evidence from a recent police raid. Earlier that day the swat team raided a secret laboratory. He didn’t know much about it, but the stuff they found there was a little strange. There were ray guns, weird remotes, and bottles of pills. He picked up a ray gun that was labeled PornoRay. It looked like a pink plastic toy. He pulled the trigger a few times and nothing happened.

Sargent Jennings walked in to check in on Richards. “ How’s everything going?” He asked.

“There’s some weird things in here. What king of lab did these thing come from?” Richards asked.

“I don't know. The whole operation was classified. But from what I’ve been told, this stuff is supposed to be very dangerous ” The Sargent responded.

“They don’t look too dangerous. Most of these look like toys. Check this one out.” Richards said as he picked up the PornoRay. “His thing look like a novelty party favor from a batular party.” he said as he pulled the trigger. Suddenly a beam of light came out and hit Sargent Jennings in the chest. The Sargent seemed to be frozen. He just stood there stunned.

“Oh my god. Are you ok!” Richards asked. The Sargent shook his head.

“Yeah. I’m like totes okay” Jennings said before covering his mouth. “Like, what’s wrong with my voice?” He asked in a high pitch valley girl accent. “I sound like a total hottie.” He said before covering his mouth again.

Richards could only watch as Jennings’ hair started to grow. Jennings was distracted but the heat in his crotch. “OMG, like, why am I so horny. I like totes need a good fuck.”

Jennings looked at Richards and licked his lips that were now swollen. “How bout it Richards? Let's have a quickie.”

Jennings was looking more female than male now as her breast started to stretch out her shirt. Sargent Jennings knelt down and started to unbutton Richards pants.

“Please sir. Don’t this isn’t you.” Richards protested.

Jennings pouted. “You’re no fun” She said as she picked up the PornoRay and shot Richards.

Richards froze for a second before coming out of a trance. “Like, what did you do to me? Now I’m like, gonna be a total sexy babe like you.” Richards said in his new voice.

Sargent Jennings walked up to Richards and planted her lips on his. “I like fucking hope so.” she said with a giggle.



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