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The game in development, "Stinky Validation" will be finished and released this year. The tasty train can't stop, that's why there was a poll asking Patrons what kind of new project they wanted to see next...

If you are familiar with the tasty games, you can tell that point and click adventure games taking place underneath beds is one of the specialty.  The next project will be in that same spirit but it will take place in a movie theater.

The second most popular option was the foot care type of game, I want to include that in the next project too but as a smaller secondary gameplay linked to the adventure.

The third position was Uber Gts, one day will come (probably) but I honestly don't feel ready for it. I don't want to make a failed attempt at what this great concept could be, in game.


Code name for next game: Foot Service at the Movies

Concept idea: The ZBZ girls are watching a movie, they have a tiny person who must take care of their feet under their seats in the movie theater.

Development planned for six months. 

Base gameplay already used for Stinky Validation, no need to script it again. I can improve it with added features.

More information about it the last Wednesday of August 2022.


In the picture, the girl has her feet up. It won't happen in Foot Service at the Movies.




I hope the foot worship sim parts of the game are similar to the Yellow Socks!