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Dolores has a contract for you to sign. And you know the saying, if Dolores wants you to sign, you'll sign.

Sometimes, I'm not satisfied because I can't find that good mini-game. But I don't want to wait for too long so that I can produce the update, that's why I end up with a plan B mini-game. Enjoy licking Dolores' Croc clog.

In last poll I asked Patrons about a side project, the most popular choice was the creation of the KKT Team. That's the archenemy sorority of ZBZ, you can spot them in the game "The Yellow Socks". It will be side characters added to the tasty universe, I will try to create these new girls with the Patrons. It's a side thing, the main thing are the ZBZ girls, in the end the ZBZ girls will always win. No KKT girl has stinkier feet than Samantha.

New stuff in the game in development:

There's a timer who appeared in Third Part, don't pay attention to it. (it does nothing(for now)) The flashing event is changed again, you have to click through the pictures to end it. 

  • progress with Dolores (8 pictures, 1 tasty animation, 2 rooms)
  • 2 mini-games (a third mini-game isn't really a mini-game)
  • fix, things, typo, proofreading

If you encounter a bug or something not looking as intended, let me know!

The proofreading hunt has started! Brave Patrons already helped to improve and polish the game with dialogues/texts/observations proofreading. You can help too if you want, more information there. 

Can you be rich with nothing, in your mind? Yes, thanks to Dolores. That girl is generous.




Dolores is the best xD No bugs found so far. I think I've exhausted the options given on each interaction. As an idea maybe you can add a crush image, or a few different ones, whenever we answer incorrectly to the girls but only on certain answers, that way we are sort of forced to try all possible answers if we want to unlock these images.


Tanks for the feedback! I don't know about the crush pictures for wrong answers.


Hey don't sweat it! that's why they're ideas and not mandates lol