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Hold on, I'm not starting a new project to ditch the actual project.

It's been a moment that I want to experience something new without the pressure of deadlines, something considered a random bonus in the long term and not the main thing.

  • A side game with a real gameplay (No more details except a real gameplay, it will allow me to try something at my own pace) 
  • Porn Comics (lewd stuff with the ZBZ girls, finally the truth about Paige giving a blowjob in the toilet.)
  • Introduce and work on KKT, the archenemy sorority of ZBZ consisting of 12 new girls created with polls, having them means that they could start to appear in the tasty verse.
  • Photo editing/tasty memes or situations about feet/socks/shoes pictures and pixel art tinies (I posted some on twitter)

What do you want to experience the most? Remember that it will be a side thing in the long run, no expectations. (Also, maybe I'm crazy and won't follow up.)


Canyams .

I remember playing the Yellow Socks RPG a while ago; reading through the journal logs of the KKT, and interacting with a few. That section was a sure highlight for me! I'm 100% invested in checking them out, as well as any worldbuilding within the ZBZ universe!


KKT was there before but Miranda isn't their president anymore. KKT is trying to clean its reputation from past mistakes. (They still have a deep rivalry with ZBZ) And what about evil Dolores..? but lets not talk about that.


Crew building seems like it would be a nice no-pressure side thing for ya. And after you finished with that maybe transition into one of the other 3 to show off the new KKT. I think a side game might be a little too much though. Anyways have fun with whatever ya decide.


I agree that building the KKT team is the most logical and useful thing to do between the four options but there are temptations I can't ignore. We'll see how everything goes.