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Manipulated, crushed... and left for dead. They have messed up with the wrong tiny.

A new feature added to the game that will be unlocked in the second part: "STATS". The character will improve his STATS (Strength, Stealth, Speed, Smart, Smell) to progress in the game. It gives a good reason to explore previous locations and gives a new objective of things to do underneath the beds. There is a stat Smell, after everything the character had to survive you would think that he now has a steel nose but limits are made to be pushed.

Another thing, there will be variant for the feet views under the beds. A bare feet version and a socked feet version (not both animated). Only two are done for now, Samantha and Angel, you can see the variant once you have progressed after that part. (it randomly changes when you use the vent, you have to do the sock maze each time for Sam, yes.)

I didn't make a feedback about the poll for a third part, here it is, there will be a third part. That means 6 months of development added for a total of 18 months. The six months rule was a really good idea, wasn't it?

New stuff:

  • 4 new rooms
  • Progress with Dolores (4 pictures)
  • 1 tasty animation (Dolores)
  • variant feet view (Samantha and Angel+2 crush pictures)
  • stats feature (unlocked when starting Angel Bed part)
  • earn 1 stat in Samantha's room (1 picture)
  • 2 new items
  • fix, things, typo

If you encounter something looking like a bug, contact me about it.

In last update, the interactions with items were supposed to work for all but it wasn't the case, a brave Patron tested it and it was botched. It has been fixed, sorry about that.

That update feels short story wise, I'm gonna hide in Dolores' Croc until next update.




I can't seem to progress this part. When I talk to the businessman I can show him my three items but he doesn't give me any options to exchange them and I haven't found anything in the new room.