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It is time to release in the wild the game Smelly Adventure! 

-15 months in development (maybe less)

-$5220 collected with Patreon during this project

-$30 is the total donation from a Tier 1 Patron present during the whole project

-2 hours of gameplay

-next tasty game already in development

I want to thank my Patrons, I am grateful to have your trust and support. Another tasty milestone reached. This game wouldn't exist without your support and input. Even if half of you are just there for one reason: Lurking in the shadow, waiting for an opportunity to steal a pair of dirty socks from a sleeping ZBZ member.


Amanda is loving it by Tastysox on DeviantArt

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The Womyn on elsan is bugged, after coming back from her task on Keyori, the dialogue is just "choice 1" to "choice 4", and any of them give just numbers. Not as important, but the same text is displayed when looking at the tree on Takako's planet.


I have fixed it, thanks for the feedback. (Taturn's trees + Womyn on elsan)


Womyn Empire was great. Hope to see more Womyn stuff in the future