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I must tell you that I was too ambitious for ZBZ Dating, I will have to make changes.

What I am talking about is the event animations after a Party. People like the animations but it takes me time to do them and the quality isn't what I would call good. Making a pair of feet moving isn't the problem.

The problem is that there are 4 Parties, for each Party you have 3 Events possible. There are 12 girls. Let's do some maths, 4*3*12=144. That would be 144 events possible to animate.

To solve the problem, for the first time, I was aiming for neutral animations where I could change just the skin color of the girl and the player (because I have to do variants for the player too.) This had to be close ups or views with few modifications needed between girls. And I would still have to do a certain quantity of animations because some girls would have totally different events. Let's say that it would reduce to 1/4 the animations needed. That would be 36 animations (with variants to do for girl/player?)

If I want to release a new girl every month and have a finished game for December 2020. I would have to do like 3 animations every month, it's not impossible but still adds work to do. The problem is that a girl has 12 events, with some math I can tell you how many times the animation will become familiar. 144 (events possible) - 36 (base animation with color variants) = 108 times where you will have an already seen animation with just a color variant.

I tried to find a better solution, using still images instead of the animations. But, I don't have an artist for it and that would be my work. So let's do the math, 4(Parties)*3(Choices)=12. Remember that I want to release a new girl each month, it means 12 pictures to produce added to the rest of the work I have to do every month. And I still have to do graphics for other stuff in the game.

Then I decided that the best solution is to remove the graphics for this part. Writing 12 small events per month is a lot more feasible and you don't see the player's look. Another option would be a new minigame but I don't have ideas for now. Or I finish the game in December 2021 but I don't want that.

I prefer graphics to text but I'm stuck for the events after a party. I wanted to make tasty animations for everyone to enjoy but it is unrealistic for the schedule planned.

There will be text only for the events after a Party. Let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section. I hope that this post will make you understand this decision.

(some annoying bug fixes are coming for next week version of ZBZ Dating)



Ive say, whatever makes it more easy TastySox ur already like a Solo Productionist, tho I enjoy the animation, what matters more is how my Producer feels and the happiness he gets in meaning to his healthyness. I already know ur working is harsh, I found quite a treat by playing in seperate tabs for just Paige , If you play nice convo youll get a different animation per party, n if you play a pervert youll get a differ animation. Should be harsh for you. Maybe narrow down to one topic convo instead, The best response gets a better animation... however I dont want you to stress, A Happy Producer is a Happy Customer, tho your work is always good. I know you strive to make us happy with better graphics and upgrades, and ur work means alot to even us.


If there wasn't 12 girls to manage, things would be more simple. A happy customer is what I want.


The conversion from animation to text I believe is a huge part of what made ZBZ Dating so anticipated and extremely fun to play. With having animations for each party it kept me for one continuously replaying to get every party animation. I would much rather see ZBZ Dating with animations and 6 girls then lose what makes the games so engaging to play. At the end of the year with 6 girls, you could then decide if you are going to continue with the other half or start a new project. Allowing you to come back and complete the story if you decide to. Also limiting the character skin tone to lessen the animation workload is just a smart move. The character's skin tone doesn't impact the story I don't believe. I will even increase my pledge to 8$ to help preserve the quality of the game making it more desirable to replay.