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Smelly Adventure

It is time to slowly close the Smelly Adventure chapter. The game is 98% complete and the next updates will be boring for you Patrons. 

The 2% left are the polishing for graphics, dialogues, various fixes. Nothing new will be added to the game except the variants and new endings.

It means that starting in September 2019, the updates for Smelly Adventure will be only once a month. (The second Wednesday of the month.)

ZBZ Dating

A new tasty chapter with ZBZ Dating, the alpha and main mechanics are done and the base needs to be finished. Ideally, a working beta for January 2020 then I would add a new girl each month until December 2020 for a public release.

Starting September 2019, there will be an update for ZBZ Dating alpha once a month. (The Fourth Wednesday of the month.)

I need to finish the in-game progression and create a method I will iterate 11 times for the other girls. Since the game works with days, it will be easy to tell what an update has added.

I hope that you will enjoy following the journey with me!




Please don’t leave Avril to last :<