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Hello to you, there is something interesting for this update! The Koins! You will need Koins to use Komputer. You can find Koins or get them from small tasks/quests. The tasks/quests is the part that is interesting for you who already know and finished the beta 10 times. The Koins solve two things for the game:

  • Komputer isn't anymore a free cheat giving you the solutions. The player will use Komputer with moderation.
  • There is a reason to have side things (a tasty quest, licking shoes, whatever) You can do it to earn a Koin.

 Planet polish: 


  • Graphics
  • More interactions
  • Reaction when giving random items to npcs (not the sub in the tube)


  • New room


  • New fail under the bed (climb into the sneaker)

Computer Card: (to use on Juacy)

  • Paellow

Koin Minigame (you can find 1 koin on every planet somewhere, you start the beta with 5 koins for now)

  • Keyori (clean boots of technician)
  • Taturn (clean bare feet in "Domme")
  • Satrong (clean sam's feet)

Other: Fixes, graphics, typos, komputer now tells the solution for the elevator on doloran 2, some dialogues.

If you find a bug with Komputer, a grammar mistake, a graphic really bad looking or something looking like a bug. Let me know.



I have received 6 requests so far!

www.tastysox.com exists now! Some infos about the games and the ZBZ Crew members.

Don't miss Sam's feet on Satrong.




Nice grab on the website!


how do i access?