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Paige will be used to create the base of the game.

I have the motivation of the new project and have progressed more than what I expected. The base design of the game is done, the big lines for the story are done, some basic systems have been scripted. Smelly Adventure is still polished and updated, but the updates will feel lighter in content.

The upgraded game engine has some great new features. 

I will keep the 320*200 resolution but the palette will  be different with 128 colors and more with the shading.

For the curiosity I took a look at the voice over rates, it would be $1000 for less than 60min of dialogues for a girl. With +12 girls, the result is a little too expensive for now. Maybe in the future, a game with voices for the ZBZ Crew?

Knowing how I work, a playable alpha for August is possible.

I will post Peeks of ZBZ Dating when there is something interesting to see and to report the progress I have done.




Excellent! Wonderful progress and thanks for keeping us in the loop with everything. Can’t wait to see how things turn out~^^