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Hello to you, remember the Wednesday update I try to follow twice a month? I had an unplanned stay at the hospital for a week and didn't expect it to be this long. I'm good, I can work on the game without a problem and here's an update with what I have done before. It may be a little light but you can see the Computer Card feature.

Planet polish:

Keyori, the planet was already nice looking being the first created.

  • Fail under bed can have 2 new random dialogues
  • Under bed 2 new random dialogues
  • Golden Ticket 2 new random dialogues
  • Fail planet  have 2 new random dialogues 
  • Graphics
  • New room
  • Npcs react to the items you give them

Computer Card: (to use on Juacy)


Other: The lights for the button in Amanda's lab have been changed to match the player dialogues when interaction with electric devices, if you start the beta on Amsterra you don't need to deactivate them.

Same Fail screen for the 3 last minigames in Amanda's lab (you have to wait)

Background for the dialogues are now totally opaque, the game only has a total of 32 colors.

You can cancel questions.

Enjoy and let me know if I forgot a weird bug. It's possible that more changes happen to Keyori later.

The Pale Giantess wasn't happy this month.



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