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This poll is about a decision for the Tiers above the minimal $2 Tier.                                       

It's a special poll for the Tiers that are impacted by this.  Should I remove the rewards from the Tiers? Some patrons don't ask for the rewards, others are out of ideas. Or maybe some patrons want a different reward?

One thing will stay for every tier, access to the beta and polls.

What I propose is to keep different tiers but instead of rewards it would be level of opportunities. Some people can contribute more than the minimal to show their support, they don't particulary expect a reward other than a tasty game made in time. 

But they can ask for special attentions if they want. The level of support and their loyalty will be taken into consideration. 

Every patron can ask for rewards, my message box is always open. Just don't expect me to create something huge if you pledged $4 for one month.

Leave a comment if you have any feedback about this. I like the idea of patrons designing stuff for the the game but it shouldn't be a reason for being a patron.

Teaser for next update.



I reeeeeeally dont want to Sound egotistical. And i dont want it to Sound like “i just want stuff”. I began supporting you, back then. Because im a fan of your work. I like your style, the time and effort you put into your games and art. And you’re Also a really cool person, who has alot of the same fetish’s and desires like i have. When you launched avrils ex back then, it was like seeing one of my biggest dreams.. illustrated and given life (y). However if i just wanted to support without anything other than playing your game. Then i would move to a lower tier. I chose to be a top tier patreon, to support you. However getting some kind of reward or say does really make it even more worthwhile.(y) i enjoy the oppurtunities,says, and rewards that i have gotten (y) and it has totally been worth the money (y)


Thank you, that's a good point. It's just that the actual system isn't really good. I don't say that loyal patrons shouldn't get a special something, but you don't use the actual rewards.