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Hello to you, small update... or is it?

New Socks: The 5 golden ticket Socks for Elisabeth are available if you have unlocked them in the factory.   

New Enemy: Miranda 3 added. 

New Chore: Shoe cleaning with Samantha.  

Graphics: Temperature changes the look of the feet for the golden ticket socks available.

Other changes: Typo, fixes, when you use money it shows the quantity above your total money, Avril has 5 random songs in the university.

Link to the game: https://tastysox.itch.io/the-yellow-socks 

Leave a feedback on the itchio community for the game if you find a bug, have a suggestion or want to clean Dolores's Crocs.

Let me know what you think of Miranda 3!




Holy cow... I love the new dark Dolores! She is so dark and dominating, it's amazing! I feel the tiniest bit bad for old Dolores but holy cow everything about the new one is an improvement imo. One small thing though, I believe you need to change the hair in the cam for the art gallery to match, unless you plan on just leaving the old one, which is cool to.


Great! For the cam view, I will leave the old one... It's like an old record.


Great new stuff Tasty :D