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It has been decided that I will focus on Avril's Ex 2 development and put the other game projects on pause mode. Most Patrons will agree and be satisfied with this decision. The plan is to deliver two updates per month for Avril's Ex 2.

I'm late as always... but you can enjoy pieces of the next part starring the least popular ZBZ girl (but a lot would love to be trampled by her in secret). Her skin smells like sand but she doesn't know how to swim, TAKAKO!

There is no way to finish the new part, move on when you are done with it. Only the Sphere Altar can work.

What's in this update:

  • 3 pictures (Sphere Altar only work)

  • 7 rooms

  • 1 new item

The tasty train must find its cruising speed, I'm still working on it...

If you encounter a bug, let me know.

Wipe your shoes on me, Takako...




Will we be tiny for the entire game or will there be parts were we are of normal size? Game looks very good and promising so far!


The player will be tiny for the entire game except when using the Lozenge Altar with comics.


Eyyy! That's good to hear, love the shrink content ^^ No worries about being late dude, the memberships pretty cheap to access it and I think people will be happy with just occasional progress updates if you needed time between update releases.


Thank you but I shouldn't start to feel comfortable being late. The membership ticket is cheap, I feel less guilty. You'll often be shrinker than before with the Square Altar.