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The last time I talked about Sweaty Meltdown, I explained how I had lost the main project file. I decided to forget about the fight system and the story planned for something new but still recycling the graphics from Sweaty Meltdown since it would be a missed opportunity to abandon them.

In this update, I have tried to find new mechanics. I said four last time but I'd say it's close to two mechanics with multiple variations.

First is the "Tastink", a ressource you find by sniffing some spots.

Second are the Altars, magical or supernatural (no lore to unveil yet) elements adding gameplay. Those are the most interesting, there are four types of Altars, to make them I have tried to search what people enjoyed the most in the games and what could be used easily as a feature.

  • 1-Being worn in a shoe

  • 2-Being shrunk down even smaller

  • 3-Experiencing femdom situations

  • 4-Watching animated feet

Each feature has an Altar. Then each Altar has a way to be activated,

  • 1-Find an item to activate a memory

  • 2-Find two pieces of the Altar to build it

  • 3-Push the three buttons to activate a comic

  • 4-Enter the right code to see the goddess' feet

The Tastink is used to fuel an Altar and make it available to the player. It gives a good reason to find spots to sniff.

As you can read, it's not really mechanics but more a game system that can be repeated for each girl. Without a story or anything, there's already a sense of progression and reasons to explore the place.

From the two recent polls, it's like half people want only tasty stuff and a short adventure with variation while the other half wants a deep adventure with interesting lore. This game system allows to pass a part if you already know the code for the goddess' feet, making the other part available (in the game: some time has passed and/or something has changed allowing the player to progress to a new girl)

For me it's like a blueprint where a ground work has been established, I have to make the exploration enjoyable and some quests there and then. At least, that's what I think. For next month, I'll start to deliver a new game with a working story.

For a better understanding, you can try a test version in the password link post. It's a test version, don't expect a complete game, most graphics are recycled and there's no story.

Find 8 Tastinks and try to use the 4 Altars.

If you encounter a bug, let me know.




Haven’t played yet but everything you mentioned in the post sounds super interesting and accessible. As much as I want to have a deeper story and a long run time, I think for this specific project, for mental health reasons, you made the right choice to scale back a little with story and gameplay mechanics. Excited to try out the demo and thank you for your hard work!!!


Really like that Altar idea, especially options 2 and 3 ;) I'm hoping some of them have other fetishes with the girls as well