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Alright, not enough for a full demo yet, but here's 17 530 words of code for the new path. This is the ending where you had everything under control, your puppet might be in the hospital but you are free, and getting ready to deal with Hollow Ground.

As always, this is not complete, stats and options are missing, and some stuff will be extended. Just thought you'd enjoy seeing what a rough draft looks like while you are waiting for the demo.

Since it was so long, I have attached it as a .txt document instead for your convenience.



im so excited to see the ranch route ^^ keep up the good work!

Pan Apple

I can’t wait to see what’ll happen if Dr Mortum saved puppet with high individuality and high precog. My puppet wasn’t confused when theh woke up in Retribution. Their memory seems to be complete. Well, it better be since they remember my Sidestep kissing them on the forehead and they’re completely calm when they woke up at Mortum’s lab. No confusion whatsoever. Like the puppet woke up, looked around and acted like nothing’s wrong around Mortum. They cracked the glass when Mortum warned “Ace” of their boss in the first book and Sidestep didn’t know how that happened. It’s like the person inside Ace’s body is upset or something. Ace probably has full clarity in my main playthrough. The current 4.2 path could easily be before Ace woke up. I still don’t know how likely it is for Ace to contact Sidestep in this scenario. Ace has no one before but this Ace knows how much Sidestep to care about him presumably. Ace cracking the glass has to mean something.