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The new open demo for Fallen Hero: Revelations have arrived!

So what is on this one? It is the  full demo of the start of path 1.2, with Dr. Mortum's path added, continuing from the Sky-Raider rescue. So now path 1.2 is done, and I will switch to a new entry point entirely for the next demo. Maybe I'll let people vote which one they want.

What is new?

  • New Thief Sidestep and Dove content. You can now pick which impostor comes visiting (or randomize).
  • Bugs and grammar fixed.
  • All impostors interacting in the Dr. Mortum path, including the ones that stayed away before.
  • As before, there are few stat changes put in, so don't worry about that.
  • You only pick the stats used in the demo, and your character won't be perfectly canon.


136 694 words with code

118 210 words without code

15 000 - 15 500 words in an average playthrough.

The link to the demo is here!  



Crashed as puppet, stuck in pupped, ortega put me under arrest. called Argent (romanced Argent that is, cause its the best). Cant wait for book 3