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I've come down with my partner's cold, luckily not of the corona kind. Please gimme your questions, game updates will resume soon!



When Sidestep makes a deal with Hollow Ground and walks away "unmolested", Ortega doesn't think they're a Re-gene fake after the crash even if sides admits that they're the villain. But when Sidestep says "fuck you" to HG and runs away, Ortega thinks they're regene fake after the crush if they admit they're the villain. Is this is a bug or is there a specific reason for it?


Writing question to start with: Something I have often struggled with is understanding how much 'prep' to do prior to starting writing. I find it very overwhelming to jump in blind, but when you plan everything out it gets boring. I know you've mentioned before not doing the latter, I'm curious how much prep you have in mind? Are there any resources you use to keep track of branching paths and where they intersect? Do you make outlines? If so, do they tend to be questions you want answered in the chapter? A sentence? Paragraph? Goals for what is accomplished within them? Now to FH Questions: Step makes a lot of mentions throughout the second book of preparing for some form of great calamity or event. My initial assumption was this would be the confrontation between them and the Farm, though I was just wondering more broadly if the nature of this 'event' changes depending on Steps motivations or if the 'event' is something destined to happen regardless of Step's involvement? (I'm curious if this is too specific for answers :o ) For open telepath Steps, would it be possible for them to literally 'share' their trauma with ROs or friends? I am confident a Step is *able to* in terms of power (if their subterfuge is high enough at least), but would anyone actually be curious enough to want to experience it first hand? (I can't imagine telepathic projection of those memories as difficult as literally taking over someone's body or stilling an entire highway). Something I wondered about, why wouldn't Chen recognize the nanonvores and clock the Villain as Psi-sensitive or a telepath if they use them in order to open the door during the collapse? (If Step helps evacuate the civilians with him.)

All Blue

You mentioned before that Ortega misunderstood the tension between Blaze and Chen… what exactly is that tension between them *actually* born from? Does Herald ever miss his old life? You mentioned before that Argent is the highest paid Ranger out of the four… how exactly did she manage that? Where did her negotiating skills come from? Does the Farm have spies in hospitals/therapist circles?


Will it be possible for Sidestep to become disgusted with themselves after punching Ortega?